Jewish Histories in Multiethnic Boyle HeightsMain MenuIntroduction: Urban Space and the Making of a NeighborhoodMapping Jewish Histories in Boyle HeightsTimeline: Intersecting Histories in Boyle HeightsHinda and Jacob Schonfeld Digital ArchiveAbout This ExhibitCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceUCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies
Western States Jewish History Digital Library
12019-02-08T03:27:55-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce22627structured_gallery2019-02-13T23:42:05-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceSelected images from the Western States Jewish History special edition, Boyle Heights: Recollections and Remembrances of the Boyle Heights Jewish Community in Los Angeles, 1920s-1960s, edited by Abraham Hoffman. Mapping Jewish Los Angeles would like to thank David Epstein, Gladys Sturman, and all of the contributors to Western States Jewish History for their generous support.
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12018-09-06T19:46:18-07:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceHinda and Jacob Schonfeld Digital ArchiveDavid Wu26structured_gallery2021-05-05T11:20:11-07:00David Wub86a8c07bcba0adc0bdab2f4feb80f7cb005c87f
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12019-02-08T04:58:19-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceAmerican Legion Hall (formerly Cincinnati Street Shul) 19483The Cincinnati Street Shul before it was converted into an American Legion Hall during World War II. The building was remodeled and later became the Variety Boys Club. Photo from Judy Zdravje, courtesy of Western States Jewish Club Boyle Heights copy.jpgplain2021-05-04T15:10:29-07:00Variety Club Building 1948 Boyle HeightsCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T03:56:05-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceSoto-Michigan JCC class, ca. 19483A group picture taken at the Soto-Michigan JCC circa 1948. Original caption identifies some of those pictured: "1st row, far right: Marv Bornstein; 2nd row, wearing pearls: Alice Yuwiler, counselor; 2nd row, far right: Shirley Peltzman-Morrison, counselor; Top row, left: Carol Sheanin, Marlene (Judy) Kotzner, Lois Sloan, Elmera Shrogin." Photo from Carol Sheanin Cramer, courtesy of Western States Jewish copy.jpgplain2021-05-04T15:12:11-07:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T05:17:09-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceThe Siren, April 24, 19403The cover of Hollenbeck Junior High's newspaper, The Siren, from April 24, 1940. As Abraham Hoffman noted, the invitation to the school's Open House on the cover was published in four languages—English, Japanese, Yiddish, and Spanish—and serves as "evidence of the awareness of how the different ethnicities and races [in the neighborhood] could get together." Courtesy of Western States Jewish Siren of Hollenbeck Jr High.jpgplain2021-04-30T16:26:26-07:00The Siren of Hollenbech Jr. High Boyle Heights 1940Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T22:55:05-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceBoy Scouts at the Soto-Michigan JCC, ca. 19482The children featured in this photo, taken at the Soto-Michigan Jewish Community Center circa 1948, include the members of the Boy Scout Troop #131. Photo courtesy of Western States Jewish Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T22:47:44-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceHollenbeck Flagraisers, 19432Flagraisers and buglers at Hollenbeck Junior High in 1943. Pictured (left to right) are buglers Norton Maltz, Eugene Levin, Phillip Landsberg, Samuel Arshawsky, and Paul Orloff and flag raisers Joaquin Gardea, Frank Peterson, and Louie Amador. Photo from the Hollenbeck Siren (yearbook), 1938, courtesy of Western States Jewish Flag Raisers 1943 copy.jpgplain2021-05-04T15:11:04-07:00Hollenbech Jr. High Flag Raisers 1943 Boyle HeightsCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T22:27:23-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceBoyle Heights Victory House, ca. 19432The Boyle Heights Victory House at the corner of Brooklyn and Soto where various neighborhood organizations raised money to support the American war effort by selling war bonds. In 1942, the residents of Boyle Heights purchased so many war bonds that the American military named a plane in their honor, calling it "The Spirit of Boyle Heights". Photo courtesy of Western States Jewish Heights Victory House-Los AngelesCA-1940s.jpgplain2021-04-19T12:39:45-07:0019400101h: 7.5",w: 9.3" 800dpi x:7436-y:5995 UncompressedLos AngelesCACAPlease Contact WSJH for InformatWS0796-^Boyle Heights Victory House-Los Angeles,CA [1940's]^Buy Bonds. Corner Brooklyn & SotoCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T22:41:55-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceSoto Street Folkshul, 19422The 1942 class at the Farband's folkshul on Soto Street. The banner above the class reads, "Yes! Little Jewish children, may [the fate of] your kosher little eyes be upon me." Photo from Gilda Feldstein Green (seated front row, far left), courtesy of Western States Jewish class 1942 Stoller copy.jpgplain2019-02-11T23:42:49-08:00Soto St School Folkshul 1942 Mrs Stoller leftCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T05:03:42-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceVariety Boys Club: construction, 19482Workers turning the American Legion Hall (formerly the Cincinnati Street Shul) into the Variety Boys Club, ca. 1948. Photo from Judy Zdravje, courtesy of Western States Jewish Club Fix Up Boyle Heights copy.jpgplain2021-05-04T15:12:55-07:00Variety Club Fix Up 1948 Boyle HeightsCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T04:12:04-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceMalabar Elementary 4th grade pageant, mid 1920s2Harriet Rochlin's 4th grade class at Malabar Elementary School. Her original caption reads: "My fourth-grade class at Malabar Elementary School studied local Indians as part of the history of California. Our teacher and avid guide was Miss Castro, descendant of a Mexican California family, its most prominent member, General Jose Castro, who was acting governor of Alta California (1835-1836). Photo from Harriet Rochlin, courtesy of Western States Jewish Indians.tifplain2019-02-08T04:16:12-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T03:32:45-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceThe Barskys, ca. 19352Isabel-Charna Barsky, Howard Barsky, and Bernard Barsky outside their home on Evergreen Avenue ca. 1935. Photo from Lauren Rickey Greene, courtesy of Western States Jewish 1935 Boyle Heights copy.jpgplain2021-04-19T13:50:38-07:00Isabell Charna Barsky, Howard Barsky and Bernard Barsky c1935Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T23:34:05-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceVariety Boys Club: Football Team, 19512Members of the Variety Boys Club football team, photographed in 1951. According to Asher Rosen, those pictured include: "Top row (left to right): Joey Shorr, Asher Rosen, Jerry Sidler, Freddie Goldberg, [unknown], Izzy Borenstein (aka 'Cuba'); Front row: Coach Arnie Grayboyes (sp?),Phil Arvin, Mel Silverman, Irv Goldberg, Arnold Brody, [unknown]." Photo from Judy Zdravje, courtesy of Western States Jewish Club Football Team_copy.jpgplain2021-05-04T15:13:21-07:00Variety Club Football Team 1951Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T23:40:09-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceVariety Boys Club: Members with actor Dennis Morgan, 19512Members of the Variety Boys Club, photographed with actor Dennis Morgan (standing, top right) in 1951. Also pictured are Mr. Dave Bashon (seated, right), Arnold Brody (seated, second from the left), Ernie Levy (standing, second from the right), Eugene Myer (middle row, left), Joe Rocher (middle row, second from the left), and Morton Frisch (middle row, right). Photo from Judy Zdravje, courtesy of Western States Jewish Club Group Shot 1951_copy.jpgplain2021-05-04T15:13:48-07:00Variety Club Members 1951 Dennis MorganCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T23:14:07-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890cePalavers Club, 19461Members of the Palavers Sports Club photographed in August 1946 at the Studio of Modern Photography. According to Gary Platt, those pictured include, "Top Row (left to right): Al Canter, Manual Rodrigues, Chuck Esakoff, [unknown], Gary Platt, Jack Silver, Al Green (Greenberg), Sam Feedman; Middle row: Izzy Yedwalsky, Leo Cralnick, John Brockovich, Leo Guzick, Milt Drucker, Cy Yates; Front Row: Marvin Schwartz, Jack Goodman, [unknown], Leo Miller, Harry Silverstein, [unknown]." Photo from Gary Platt, courtesy of Western States Jewish Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T03:23:45-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceEverybody's Supermarket Ad1This advertisement from Everybody's Supermarket at 2111 Brooklyn Avenue appeared in the July 21st edition of the Eastside Journal. From Anna Glickman Young, courtesy of Western States Jewish Ad.jpgplain2019-02-08T03:23:49-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T23:28:25-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceTalmud Torah class, 19301Graduates of a Talmud Torah Class ca. 1930. Sylvia Lipson is the only girl pictured. Photo from Judy Toben Zatkin, courtesy of Western States Jewish Torah 1930_copy.jpgplain2019-02-11T23:28:25-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T23:38:41-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceThe Guardians, 19381The charter dinner of "the Guardians" of the Hebrew Sheltering Home for the Aged (now Los Angeles Jewish Home), held on May 16th, 1938. Courtesy of Western States Jewish JHA Charter1938_copy.jpgplain2019-02-13T23:38:42-08:0019380101000000+0000h: 4.9",w: 9.5" 1200dpi x:11365-y:5841 UncompressedLos AngelesCACAPlease Contact WSJH for InformatWS3044-^Guardians JHA Charter Dinner-Los Angeles,CA [1938]Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T05:11:25-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceRoosevelt High, 19251A drawing of Roosevelt High from the 1925 edition of the Round-Up (yearbook). From Bobby and Jerry Title, courtesy of Western States Jewish Drawing.jpgplain2019-02-08T05:11:25-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T23:41:39-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceHebrew Sheltering and Home for the Aged, original campus1Residents at the Hebrew Sheltering and Home for the Aged in one of the original buildings on the campus [date unknown]. Courtesy of Western States Jewish Home for the Againg-Los Angeles,CA.jpgplain2019-02-13T23:41:39-08:0000000101h: 1.7",w: 4.7" 1400dpi x:6612-y:2389 UncompressedLos AngelesCACAPlease Contact WSJH for InformatWS1183-^Jewish Home for the Againg-Los Angeles,CA^5 pics-historyCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T03:47:19-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceHollenbeck Junior High, 19381An aerial view of Hollenbeck Junior High School in 1938, five years after the Long Beach earthquake damaged earlier buildings. The brick building at the center right, housing the cafeteria and home economics classrooms, was the only building to survive the earthquake. The building was designed by architect Richard Neutra. As appears in the Hollenbeck Siren (yearbook), 1938, courtesy of Western States Jewish Pic copy.jpgplain2019-02-08T03:47:19-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T22:20:53-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceBenito Athletic Club, 19281The Benito Athletic Club, photographed on Nov. 24, 1928. According to Bernie Cowan, those pictured include: "Top row, left to right: Al Jarvis, Lou Razner, Joe Gold, [unknown], Ike Cooklin, Paul Jaffe, Sam Weiner, Paul Weiner, Dave Udcoff; Middle row : Harry Jaffe, Harry Cowen, Eli Nerkin, Herman Rozzen, Hi Jolson, Frank Meyer, Zebi Bararsky, Maurice Nathan, [unknown], I. B. Rozzen; Front row: Jack Elman, Joe Fisher, Lou Singer, Dave Kadish, Morrie Axelrod, Fred Berke, Sam Keys, Abe Mallson, [unknown]." Photograph from Bernie Cowan, courtesy of Western States Jewish Athletic copy.jpgplain2019-02-11T22:20:54-08:00Benito Athlectic2Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T23:50:23-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceWabash Street Folkshul, 19411Students at the Wabash Street Folkshul with their teacher, Mr. Zifkin, in 1941. Photo from Lenore Kasten Saltz, courtesy of Western States Jewish Folk Shul 1941 Zifkin copy.jpgplain2019-02-11T23:50:23-08:00Wabash Folk Shul 1941 bMr. Zifkin FrontCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T04:32:09-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce"The Castle of Boyle Heights"1Original caption: "Bernie Steinberg's home at 831 Alma Avenue, a block from the Menorah Center, was known in the neighborhood as "The Castle."" Photo from Bernie Sternberg, courtesy of Western States Jewish Castle Boyle Heights.jpgplain2019-02-08T04:32:09-08:00The Castle, Bernie Stein's Home Boyle HeightsCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-08T04:46:29-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceMalabar Elementary friends, ca. 19351Leanore Kasten Saltz' original caption reads: "l. to r. Joan ______, Gloria Pena, Margaret Kagiwada, and me, Leanore Kasten." Photo from Leanore Kasten Saltz, courtesy of Western States Jewish Elem School Kasten.jpgplain2019-02-08T04:46:29-08:00Malabar Elementary School Friends 1935 Gloria Pena, Margaret Kagiwada, Leanore Kasten and ?Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-11T23:03:34-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceLos Angeles Jewish Academy, 19501The Los Angeles Jewish Academy's annual Hanukah celebration in 1950, held on the stage in the basement of the Breed Street Shul, Dec, 3, 1950. Photo from Judy Toben Catkin, courtesy of Western States Jewish 1950 copy.jpgplain2019-02-11T23:03:34-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce
12019-02-13T22:16:29-08:00Caroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ceEastside Journal offices, ca. 19351The offices of The Eastside Journal when they opened at 2016 Brooklyn Avenue in 1935, featuring posters for Jack Berman, then a candidate for the Los Angeles City Council. Editor Al Waxman, who was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, was a vocal opponent of Japanese Internment and the treatment of Mexican American youth by the police and the mainstream press. In the postwar era, he changed the name of the journal to the "L.A. Reporter" and grew his publishing enterprise to include four other papers for Beverly Hills and the Park La Brea, Pico, and Wilshire neighborhoods. Photo courtesy of Western States Jewish Journal-Boyle Heights,CA.jpgplain2019-02-13T22:16:34-08:0000000101h: 7.2",w: 9.1" 600dpi x:5461-y:4343 UncompressedCat~WSJHBoyle HeightsCACAHEADLINE??????????Please Contact WSJH for Informat~WSJHCopyrightNotice:??????????WS0008-^Al S. Waxman Editor ^Eastside Journal-Boyle Heights,CA~WSJHCaroline Luce15876dd2f73462af784ac961ee54f3b5170890ce