Writing With Substance: You Can Haz it! SRSLY!Main MenuFall 2015 Reading ScheduleLinks to all reading assignments by dateAppendix 1: Reading and Writing Assignments 1-8Series of written assignmentsAppendix 2: Assignments 9, 10, and 9 3/4Assignments 9 and 10Appendix 3: Link Round-up & Notes From Class DiscussionsWhere we store links to class discussions.Information about the images you see in this bookIntroductionWriting just to write? No thank you.(Stop) Arguing (For Now)ReadingYes, you really do have to do more of it.Finding Books Using LexicatLexicat Videos from University LibraryReading Academic ScholarshipReading for/and ResearchFinding Something to Read Using Library DatabasesDatabases: Education Full Text and JstorFinding Substance Through HistoryDestined to Repeat it?Identifying and Formulating ClaimsStasis Theory And MoreThe Writing ProcessWritingRevising!My own Peer Review!Knowing "Teh Rulz" (insofar as there are any)"The Rules" or Conventions that Usually Apply for most Academic WritingVimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b
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12014-08-05T07:26:28-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b300416What's in this weird book?plain2014-08-06T16:30:25-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b
12014-08-04T14:33:13-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34bIntroduction13Writing just to write? No thank you.text2014-08-06T14:50:00-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b
12014-08-04T15:15:10-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34bReading13Yes, you really do have to do more of it.text2014-08-07T06:30:47-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b
12014-08-04T15:14:36-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34bReading and Writing: Assignment 19text2014-08-06T19:10:30-07:00Vimala C. Pasupathiceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b