Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Aidan's Bio

Aidans Audio:

 From the moment I was born, the odds were stacked against me, from early major surgeries & always needing a VP shunt & hearing amplification to normal social prejudices & the fact that the world is not designed for me. Wherever I go, I stand out & tend to be an object of curiosity. I’ve refused to let the stares or whispers of others influence me. I am proud of my uniqueness and I’ve used that to strengthen my drive. My goal has always been to be treated as normally as possible & to avoid special attention from teachers or peers. I’ve worked hard to develop my sense of independence with few adaptations and always aiming high while facing mental and physical obstacles daily. Life brings challenges & I’ve had to adapt to my environment to get things done,  from standing on a stool to brush my teeth, to finding clothes that fit, to reaching the school drinking fountain, lockers and sinks in the bathroom, to getting to classes on time with my shorter stride, to changing other people’s attitudes. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished so far and the fact that I’m excelling in a world meant for people 5ft and over. 

The obstacles I have overcome then & now make me who I am today. I will never know what the future holds as there will always be the day to day unpredictability of my VP shunt but, thankfully, I have been doing great for a while now. I have also surpassed my Orthopedist expectations &  beat the odds that I would, by now, have arthritis, a lot of pain & difficulty walking. I look forward to overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. There is no limit on my spirit & determination.  

Aidans Video story 1:
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