Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Aidan Stromdahl's story about the In Focus episode "Little Matters"

The next video I want to share with you is from a TV series called In Focus. Which focuses on different things each episode, this episode focuses on the life of little people. In the first part of the video we meet Kevin who is a little person. He discusses the terms used to describe little people like dwarf or little person and discuss which one are ok and which ones are not and he likes to be called his name.           

    I am the same way about what you call me if you want to call me something dwarf and little person Is fine but I would prefer my name. He then discusses how little people have careers, get married, and led a normal life just like average height people. Kevin has two kids, one with dwarfism and one that is regular height. Their son Scott has dwarfism and discusses how it affected. He first started to realize that he was different when kindergarten. 

I had this same realization that Scott did at a very young age. After this We meet or next group of little people Chris and Stephanie. Chris has hypo achondroplasia which means his limbs are longer. He discusses how he has been able to work a job that is meant for taller people, and having no problems. Stephanie discusses how no one really acknowledged that she was smaller. In gym class instead of running the mile she only had to do half due to the shorter stride. 

I was the same way, I always tried to make my gym teachers understand that I can not run a mile in 7 minutes. She also discusses how she drives the car. The main focus of this video is to show that little people can do some of the same things average height people can do they just need to figure it out and make accommodations. Scott plays curling and he just has to use a stick to push the puck, other then that he plays just like everyone else.

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