Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Valentine Cadieux bio page

I grew up in the Gulf of Maine region, where my relatives raised me to know that the land can feed us. My life work has been motivated by my desire to live accountably to that relationship, and to support land relationships for all people.

I use my training as an artist and social scientist (with degrees in Visual and Environmental Studies and Geography) to teach courses on land relationships -- and to support public education programs through community partnerships such as the Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondo.

I also write articles and creative works exploring land relationships, especially about urban food land uses. I am very interested in how growing food near where people live can help people share strategies for re-building food systems to rely less on practices that exploit people and land, and that instead build health, community wealth, robust ecosystems, and social healing.

comes from many sources 
and is needed
and shared in
many ways:
acknowledging and repairing
history, traumas,

[maps of expanding dairy / images of STRESS: labor, environments, loss, fear]

onto the
facing twilight

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