Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Delina's Story of Self

As I said before I don’t believe I can make or promise about making that big difference in the world and as a first year student I would like to focus on my country and would like to solve some of the problems in my country. The problem I chose is the increasing size of poor people in my country.
The number of people starving and has no place to stay is really increasing from day to day. There are many factors some of the factors are: 80% of the total population in Ethiopia works in agriculture which will not be always successful because there are many problems for example: natural disasters, drought and famine, overgrazing, deforestation, as well as man made actions, they also lack the ability to update their tools to grow better crops making it really hard to produce enough food. Most population takes up much of it’s rural areas than it’s urban. 44% are in poverty which caused a rising global market price, limited access to food, house and other basic needs are extra expensive. The high number of immigrants also have a huge impact. The other one is education, most of the people are not educated but start working at young age at the rural areas and in the urban side corruption, lawlessness, theft, are a problem. Women’s are not treated equally as men they’re expected to stay at home and take care of her kids while the father is at work even if they’re educated they are mostly sexually harassed or won’t have the chance to compete with the other gender. Ethiopia is also known for many viral diseases but still have no enough healthcare and other vital services there are some hospitals but, are really expensive to afford so many people die because of that. At recent time there is a conflict with neighboring countries and also conflicts between ethnic groups making it hard to live. 

I chose this problem because when we think of the topic  and how to solve it it looks like a easy thing to solve but, the problem is much more broad and hard to solve at one time. Growing up with many siblings and family members in the house that I know will do anything for me whenever I need it. So I personally didn’t face any problems growing up, I believe that my parents have fulfilled every basic need we need also some times above that. I didn’t worry about my basic needs they just wanted me to get educated, but those people suffering every day don’t have anyone to count on or anyone who cares for them. So this made me feel that as a citizen and as a human responsible to change the problems at least fulfill their basic needs and then work on the rest. 

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