This page was created by Sarah Liebig.  The last update was by Audrey Gunn.

Star of the Sea : A Postcolonial/Postmodern Voyage into the Irish Famine

Also Mentioned (historical figures)

King Alfred – Page 57
King Arthur – Page 58
Jane Austen – Pages 57-58
Napoleon Bonaparte – Pages 110-111
Dion Boucicault – Page 216
Isambard Kingdom Brunel – Page 58
Thomas Carlyle – Page 216
Henry Capadose – Page 115
Charles Darwin – Page 105
Samuel Ferguson – Page 166
Henry III – Page 57
G. H. Lewes – Page 216
Emmeline Lott – Pages 116, 121
Henry Mayhew – Pages 195, 216
Horatio Nelson – Pages 47, 49, 110, 236, 250
Thomas Newby – Pages 115-118, 120-121, 130, 365, 367, 385
Isaac Newton – Page 25
John Newton – Page 286
Eoghan Rua O’Neill – Page 360
Francis O’Neill – Page 359
John Overs – Page 118
Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston – Page 58
John Ruskin – Page 114
Alfred, Lord Tennyson – Page 216
Anthony Trollope – Page 115

Work Cited
O’Connor, Joseph. Star of the Sea. Orlando: Harcourt, 2002. Print.

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