Race and the Digital: Racial Formation and 21st Century Technologies

From Fun To Greater Participation

I found your media post very interesting! Its great to see programs like Code Crew giving underprivileged students the opportunity to get more involved in technology. In her book chapter, "Measuring Race On the Internet," Nakamura points out that when young minorities get online, they tend to spend time engaging in mostly "fun" activities. I think one explanation for this may come from the possible lack of computer knowledge found in these minorities' homes. Many may not have an adult or older relative at home that can teach them about the various functions of a computer or what can be done on the internet. Of course I can't forget to mention that some may not even have computers at home or access to the internet. School may be the only resource young minorities may have to acquire this knowledge, as we see in the case of Code Crew. Currently at my job, I am in charge of facilitating a program called "KidTech" where I teach students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to navigate the "digital world." While not as intricate as Code Crew, KidTech allows my students to explore and be familiar with various tools such as word, excel, powerpoint, internet research, digital photography, etc., which can be beneficial for them in both their future career and educational journeys. I think we need more program like these to get young students more involved online and not just be "read only members."

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