Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane MariaMain MenuContentTable of contentsIntroductionIntroduction to the timelineAcknowledgmentsTime to say thank youAbout the AuthorsA little bit about the contributorsTimelineContent for the months of September 2017 through September 2018InterviewsInterviews with libraries, archives and museum professionals about the impact of hurricane Maria at their institutionsContributeContribute to the timelineHilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-29T10:18:20-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae309925Learning was also essential during the recovery processstructured_gallery2018-10-28T19:07:30-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeThe impact of the Hurricane went beyond those first dates. As conditions worsen through the months with unstable environment and mold outbreaks due to the continuos power outages, intense filtrations caused by the lack of proper waterproof membranes (destroyed by the winds) and the slow response from the local authorities more saw the importance of developing specialized workshops and orientation activities. At least 17 different institutions organized activities in topics related to disaster preparedness and response. Most of the activities had a “train the trainer” spirt in order to build local knowledge for future events. Also, various talks and webinars were offered to exposed the state of collections and recovery process.
Contents of this tag:
12018-08-05T16:01:47-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeHENTF Assists Archivists In Puerto Rico4Event - The Heritage National Task Force’s second deployment provided assessment and support to six institutions between December 11 to 16.media/FEMA_20171214.pngplain2018-08-14T11:22:44-07:00FEMA12-14-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-04T16:13:02-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeHENTF Assists Archivists In Puerto Rico3Event - Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) first deployment occurred between November 13 and 18 to provide assessment and support to (7) seven institutions. In this image the Puerto Rico General Archive and National Library receives support from conservators from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.media/FEMA_20171114.pngplain2018-08-14T10:45:03-07:00FEMA11-14-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-05T15:47:42-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aePuerto Rico deployment of National Heritage Responders (NHR)3Event - First deployment of the NHR was from November 27 to December 1st. During their visit they assessed and provided support to eight institutionsmedia/NHR_20171206.pngplain2018-08-14T10:57:58-07:00American Institute for Conservation12-06-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T09:42:22-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeCaribbean Heritage Emergency Network (CHEN)2Event - The Caribbean Branch of the International Council on Archives (CARBICA) pronounces a resolution to create the Caribbean Heritage Emergency Network (CHEN).media/CARBICA_20180802.pngplain2018-09-04T10:12:59-07:00Caribbean Branch of the International Council on Archives08-02-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T23:17:15-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Puerto Rico Post-Hurricane”2Event - Prof. Anderson Brown and Prof. Grisell Rodríguez from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez present the state of the Island to the Kendal Community in Oberlin, Ohio.media/GRodrz_20180718.pngplain2018-08-12T23:18:05-07:00Grisell Rodríguez07-18-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-11T23:22:47-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeVisit to the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao Library2Due to the continuous issues experienced at the library, Lori Foley (HENTF) and Julio Quirós (Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín) visited the institution to provide feedback and identify a plan of action to move the collections.media/JQuiros_VisitaHumacao_20180228.JPGplain2018-08-11T23:25:04-07:00Julio Quirós. Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín02-28-20182018022809502520180228095025Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-04T16:10:07-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeFEMA orientation by Jennifer Growan for Archives and Libraries at Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín2One of various meetings FEMA had with cultural institutions representatives to explain funding and FEMA assistance.media/JQuiros_FEMAenFLMM_20171110.JPGplain2018-08-04T16:10:47-07:00Julio Quirós. Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín11-10-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-09T23:36:52-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Bibliotecas de la UPR se capacitan para enfrentar desastres naturales”2Publication - Article by Maria Andrea Arabeláez published in Diálogo UPR reviewing the workshops provided to UPR librarians and ISchool students by Miriam Centeno thanks to a grant awarded to the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez by the NEHmedia/Dialogo_20180122.pngplain2018-08-09T23:37:52-07:00Diálogo UPR01-22-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-11T12:55:44-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeMiriam Centeno performs collections assessment and training for the Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico Library staff2The NEH Chairman’s Emergency Grant won by the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez, allowed Centeno to also provide specialized training for the Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico. They also received a donation of preservation tools from the Illinois University Library Friends. In the photo, from left to right: Sigfredo López, Miriam Centeno, Natalia Hernández, Zayra Maldonado, Francheska Ortiz and Natalia Riveramedia/MCenteno_Conservatorio_20180119.JPGplain2018-08-14T11:33:45-07:00Miriam Centeno01-19-20182018011915151320180119151513Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T23:21:45-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeManaging moisture in non-mechanized environments and disaster situations2The webinar, sponsored by the American Institute for Conservation and offered by Jeremy Linden, provides an insight into ways to manage and control humidity in situations where a mechanical system is not always available.media/AIC_20180731.pngplain2018-09-01T12:47:40-07:00American Institute for Conservation07-31-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-10T00:01:05-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeHENTF Helps Protect Puerto Rico's Heritage1Event - The Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) presents a summary of the damages encountered during the visits and the work performed.media/FEMA_20180112.pngplain2018-08-10T00:01:05-07:00FEMA01-12-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T12:13:39-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae1era Sesión informativa: El Serrucho – Beta-Local1Funding - Beta-Local hosted an orientation for artist to apply for emergency funding through the initiative "El serrucho".media/Betalocal_20171109.pngplain2018-08-12T12:13:39-07:00Beta-Local11-09-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T22:51:43-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeHurricane impacts on Caribbean educational and heritage sites: Urgent needs and long term challenges1Event - Raymond Laureano Ortiz from El Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, among others, presents the impact of the hurricane on the Island.media/ACH_20180612.pngplain2018-08-12T22:51:43-07:00Association of Caribbean Historians06-12-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-11T22:52:09-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Redacción de propuestas competitivas”1Event - Workshop by Dra. Sandra Toro, sponsored by IMLS and REFORMA, Capítulo de Puerto Rico. It was offered in the Biblioteca Adelina Coppin Alvarado, UPR Ponce and at the Universidad del Este en Carolina.media/Reforma_20180222.pngplain2018-08-11T22:52:10-07:00REFORMA02-22-2018 - 02-23-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T12:56:19-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeExperiencias de adaptación y respuesta: Situaciones de emergencia en centros de información y documentación1Event - Organized by the Asociación de Egresados de la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información (ASEGRABCI) at the Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, the panelist discussed their experience after the hurricane and the recovery process.media/ASEGRABCI_20180406.pngplain2018-08-12T12:56:19-07:00ASEGRABCI04-06-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T22:57:20-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeAfter Hurricane Maria - From Prayer to Resilience1Jeanne Drewes from the Library of Congress and Miriam Centeno from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign presented at the American Library Association Annual Meeting about the efforts performed by them and others for the past eight months.media/Centeno_20180623.pngplain2018-08-12T22:57:20-07:00Miriam Centeno06-23-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T10:14:54-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aePuerto Rico's Libraries, Archives and Museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria1Event - Presentation by Hilda Teresa Ayala-González in the annual conference of the Society of American Archivist about the recovery process in Puerto Rico in archives, libraries and museums.media/SAA_20180817.pngplain2018-09-04T10:14:54-07:00Society of American Archivist08-17-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-11T22:55:07-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae"Every drop counts: The recovery of libraries and archives in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria"1Event - In this talk for the University of Illinois iSchool and the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Libraries, Literatures, and Literacies Minitalks, Miriam Centeno shares the diverse initiatives that took place with her visit to Puerto Rico.media/Ischool_20180222.pngplain2018-08-11T22:55:07-07:00University of Illinois iSchool and the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs02-22-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T14:07:01-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeManejo de hongos en colecciones culturales1Workshop by Susan Duhl and Jim Linder sponsored by the Foundation of American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (FAIC) through a grant for Casa del Libro in Viejo San Juan.media/CasaLibro_20180502.pngplain2018-08-12T14:07:06-07:00Casa del Libro05-02-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-10-08T19:29:48-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeAPOYO sends 30 Emergency Response and Salvage Wheels to Puerto Rico1Event The Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas (APOYO) sent with Miriam Centeno 30 Emergency Response and Salvage Wheels in Spanish to Puerto Rico to be distributed amongst affected libraries and archives.media/APOYO_20180916.pngplain2018-10-08T19:29:48-07:00APOYO09-16-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T14:08:27-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aePicking up the pieces: Helping Puerto Rican cultural heritage organizations after hurricanes Irma and Maria1Event - Presented by Ann Frellsen from the Heritage Emergency Response Alliance (HERA), the webinar discusses what the National Heritage Responders (NHR) deployed to Puerto Rico between November and January experienced and the aid provided to affected institutions.media/HERA_20180503.pngplain2018-08-12T14:08:28-07:00Heritage Emergency Response Alliance (HERA)05-03-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-10-08T19:38:37-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeLa Borinqueña ha escogido a la biblioteca comunitaria del Proyecto de Apoyo Mutuo para recibir apoyo1Event - Proyecto de Apoyo Mutuo Mariana is selected amongst the beneficiaries of La Borinqueña by Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez.media/Mariana_20180916.pngplain2018-10-08T19:38:37-07:00Proyecto de Apoyo Mutuo Mariana09-16-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T11:10:49-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeHeritage Emergency and Response Training (HEART)1Event - The Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) and the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative, in collaboration with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provided the Heritage Emergency and Response Training to museum professionals in the Island. The training took place at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico and topics ranged from collection salvage techniques, evacuation and long term planning for emergency management in a weeklong intensive course.media/FEMA_20180319.pngplain2018-08-12T11:10:50-07:00FEMA03-19-2018 - 03-23-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T14:12:09-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeMemoria y humedad1Event - Historian Marcos Nieves and biologist/botanist Paul Bayman Gupta discuss the damages caused by humidity to historical objects and the long-term effect on memory building.media/BetaLocal_20180503.pngplain2018-08-12T14:12:10-07:00Beta-Local05-03-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-10-08T19:48:57-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeY no había luz takes its art to those that needs it1Event - Y no había luz, a theater company, presents a video about the importance of art as a healing tool after the hurricane.media/YnoHabiaLuz_20180920.pngplain2018-10-08T19:48:58-07:00Y No Había Luz Compañía de Teatro PR09-20-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T11:13:09-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeBeyond the box: Design thinking to rebuild Puerto Rico1Kat Trujillo from Libraries Without Borders invites libraries and cultural institutions for a workshop to create a community resource center and bring mobile libraries to Puerto Rico at Fundación Banco Popular in San Juanmedia/LWB_20180321.pngplain2018-08-12T11:13:09-07:00Libraries Without Borders03-21-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T14:18:00-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeMission possible: Emergency response for cultural heritage institutions in Puerto Rico1Event - The webinar presents the role and experience of first responders that took part of the Emergency Support Function (ESF #11) Mission Assignment from HENTF-FEMA in Puerto Rico.media/NARA_20180521.pngplain2018-08-12T14:18:00-07:00US National Archives05-21-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T11:14:38-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeWhen the unthinkable happens: Reconsidering access and preservation after a catastrophic event1Event - Jaquelina Álvarez and Hilda T. Ayala-González presented at the Research Data Access and Preservation Summit in Chicago, Ill. the preliminary results of a research concerning access and preservation of research data after a major natural disaster, focusing on the impact of Hurricane Maria on research projects at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüezmedia/RDAP_20180321.pngplain2018-08-12T11:14:38-07:00Research Data Access and Preservation Summit03-21-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T14:21:41-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeRescate de recursos de información: Manejo de agua y hongos1A group of graduate students (future librarians and archivist) from the Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información (EGCTI) from the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras had the opportunity to practice rescuing affected collections after a catastrophic event. The workshop was offered by Soraya Serra, registrar at the Museo de Arte de Ponce, at the Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín.media/EGCTI_20180526.JPGplain2018-08-12T14:21:41-07:00EGCTI05-26-20182018052610305720180526103057Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-09T23:38:51-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeConservación básica y catalogación de material audiovisual1This workshop by Jim Lindner, Mick Newnham, and Dr. Joel Blanco Rivera at the Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín, was organized as part of the diverse initiatives around the Island to provide training related to preservation and disaster response.media/JQuiros_20180122.jpgplain2018-08-09T23:38:52-07:00Julio Quirós. Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín01-22-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T11:15:54-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeConservación del patrimonio1Event - A training about personal collections’ salvage after a disaster was offered to the general public, artist and collectionist sponsored by Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico and Smithsonian Institution at the Teatro Raúl Juliá in San Juan.media/FEMA_20180324.pngplain2018-08-12T11:15:54-07:00FEMA03-24-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-12T22:43:53-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeBibliotecas, archivos y museos en Puerto Rico luego del embate del Huracán María1Event - Hilda Teresa Ayala-González presents a summary of damages and recovery efforts as part of the Solidarity Afternoon held at the Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL).media/ACURIL_presentation_20180605.pngplain2018-08-12T22:43:56-07:00ACURIL06-05-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
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12018-07-29T19:45:13-07:00Introduction17Introduction to the timelineplain2019-05-04T19:23:09-07:00This project compiles the available resources (in my possession or found through the Web) related to the impact and recovery process of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions in Puerto Rico. It is not exhaustive, but, hopefully it will provide enough documentation for future generations to understand part of the recovery events that took place immediately after Hurricane Maria or at least inspire other projects that can help tell a more holistic story. There are so many hands and hearts involved in almost a year of activities that I found its dissemination imperative.
Thanks to Dr. Joel Blanco-Rivera from the Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información (EGCTI) and his students, available links were saved in the Internet Archives to ensure they are preserved for long-term access. Also, videos were preserved using Webrecorder.
Also, thanks to the wonderful support of future library and archives professionals, interviews in Spanish with institutions were performed to gather a deeper insight into the recovery strategies. Again, thanks to Dr. Joel Blanco-Rivera and his students from the Biblioteca Digital Course (August - December 2018) and from my students in the Preservación, Conservación y Restauración de Documentos (January - May 2019).
Navigating the timeline The timeline is dived into two main sections: Timeline and Interviews. In the timeline, each page represents a month arranged chronologically and where available, a link is provided. The images are screenshots of the original content, a visit to the websites is suggested for full content (this will be a hyperlink at the beginning of the text, according to the three main topics: event, funding or publication). The links will take you to the archive version of the original content to ensure its availability. To view the original content, go to the Details tab and look for "dcterms:isFormatOf". Even though descriptions are in English, most of the content in the links will be in Spanish. In the interviews section, each page contains an interview (in Spanish) from a specific institution. Recordings can be either a video or an audio recording. The author of the interview is listed with the text.
Loading time will depend on Internet connection speed. Be patient. To move around the timeline, use the arrows located on the corners or drag the box to the date or item of your interest. To move between pages, use the navigation menu on the top left corner or the button located at the end of the page.
Exploring visualizations and alternatives paths The wonderfulness of this tool (Scalar) is its multiple pathways to information and understanding. Each reader can either follow the events by month or use the visualization menu on the top left (the one that looks like a compass) to explore how the content is connected. Also, during the research, I was able to regroup items in four main topics: funding, activities, media coverage and publication, and support. But, it is up to the readers to choose their path (like Cortazar suggested in 1963 with Rayuela).
Fair use & take down notice All works included in this project are used solely as an educational tool under "Fair Use" as stated under the section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If any copyrighted material needs to be removed, please fill out this form.
Cover image National Heritage Responders visit to the Library at the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao Source: Evelyn Milagros Rodríguez
In awe, I leave you a very humble tribute to resilience and solidarity