12022-05-29T21:57:02-07:00Jacqueline Duong7ba49d8122d8595d23dae05feddc88d987a1bee5406882plain2022-05-29T22:17:26-07:00Jacqueline Duong7ba49d8122d8595d23dae05feddc88d987a1bee5The leaves form a rosette at the overground portion of the Maca. Since Maca grows in extreme environmental conditions due to high alpine elevation, this portion had to adapt to withstand environmental stressors. As a result, Maca has serrated leaf edges. In addition, there is continuous production of new leaves at the center of the rosette. As a result, it leaves the outer leaves prone to turning brown and dry.
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12022-05-29T19:51:44-07:00Jacqueline Duong7ba49d8122d8595d23dae05feddc88d987a1bee5Maca Vegetative Morphology5The type of Maca shown in the image is yellow Maca. This plant has both an overground and underground portion with adaptations that help it survive in harsh environmental conditions.plain2022-05-29T22:43:21-07:00Jacqueline Duong7ba49d8122d8595d23dae05feddc88d987a1bee5