James Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African-American's Leadership in Jim Crow Texas

Washington/DuBois Schism

In 1899, DuBois published the first of many studies on the Negro problem, The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study in which he first mentioned the Talented Tenth, the elite group of African Americans that would lead blacks to equality.Du Bois vocally denounced Washington between 1901 and 1903 when he grew angry that the Tuskegee machine drew charitable contributions away from academic hbcu’s. His department and publication at Atlanta University faced severe budget cuts as a result. He fumed that industrial education was getting the funding instead of academic. Du Bois was disgusted with Booker T. Washington’s optimistic description of Negro life to an audience in Europe. “It is one thing to be optimistic, self-forgetful and forgiving, but it is quite a different thing to misrepresent the truth.” 

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