John Mathews Price List
It is not possible in a yearly publication to present a complete catalogue of everything John Mathews manufactures or handles. Such a volume would include about everything a dispenser of soda water requires, and additions and alterations would be frequently necessary between the intervals of publication. While, therefore, in preparing this catalog for the convenience of the friends and customers of John Mathews, they have endeavored to make it more comprehensive than ever before, They did not offer it as in any way complete. Most of the articles for which there is a frequent demand can be found represented in the pages of this catalog, and in this connection the index at the end of the book will you find useful. In cases where no reference is found to certain articles related to the soda water trade, correspondence was invited, and will in all cases John Mathews did give you prompt and careful attention.
Among the dispensing apparatus illustrated, some have never before appeared in print, while others are tried and familiar structures whose merits have become so well known that the demand for them appears to increase from year to year. Besides these, however our salesmen are provided with drawing of a great variety of special apparatus, which they will be happy to submit to intending purchasers wherever it is possible to do so.
Most of the important improvements which characterize modern soda water apparatus and machinery did originate with John Mathews. While they have usually been adopted by other manufacturers as fast as their patents expired, and sometimes before they continued to lead the field, as they had always done. The secret to their success was that it was always their goal to produce the best possible goods, and not to reduce the cost of production at the expense of quality. That this policy is the wisest as well as the best is attested by the steady growth of Their business from its inception, nearly sixty years ago, to the present day.
This growth has manifested itself in all departments- apparatus, machinery, and supplies. But perhaps the most remarkable instance of development is that afforded by the Mathews dispensing apparatus. This was attributed to the fact that the public taste made rapid progress in the matter of carbonated beverages.
John Mathews believed that it paid to dispense the best soda water possible, and the dispenser who desires to accomplish this should use Mathews machinery, Mathews dispensing apparatus, and Mathews supplies.
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This page references:
- Mathews Catalog of Carbonated Beverage Apparatus Price List 1891
- Mathews Catalog of Carbonated Beverage Apparatus Price List 1891
- The Mathews Catalogue and Price List
- Mathews Catalog of Carbonated Beverage Apparatus Price List 1891
- Mathews Catalog of Carbonated Beverage Apparatus Price List 1891
- Mathews Catalog of Carbonated Beverage Apparatus Price List 1891