History of the Soda Fountain

Price List

1890 James W. Tufts Soda Water Apparatus Book of Directions, gives full directions for setting up and operating all the various styles of apparatus that the Tufts Company manufactures. This book also contains added recipes for syrups, the manufacturing of goods, it also gives you advice on advertising your soda fountain. Inside you will also find advice from James Tufts with regards to the types of people you should hire. Tufts would send out this book to those who were going to engage in the soda fountain business. He would send out this book once your application was accepted.


1891 Mathews Catalogue of Carbonated Beverage Apparatus contains the price list of apparatus, materials, and accessories for making and dispensing carbonated beverages. This publication was created for customers, most of the articles for which there is a demand can be found in the pages of this book. Some of the things you might find in the catalog are the apparatus (soda fountain) for making soda water.

Contents of this path:

  1. James Tufts Descriptive Catalogue of prices
  2. John Mathews Price List

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