History of the Soda Fountain

James W. Tufts Soda Fountatin Original Patent

J.w.Tufts  marble case for soda fountains

Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 158326, dated December 29, 1871; application filed i December 2, 1874.
To all whom it may concem:
Be it known that I, JAMES W. TUFrS, of Medford, in the county of MiddleseX and State of Massachusetts, have inventecl a new and useful Improvement in Marble Cases for Soda-Fountains, of which the following is a clear, full, and exact description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings making a part of this specificntion, in which 'Figure l is a perspective View of a so lafountain With my improvement attacled. Fig. 2 is a vertical section of the same.
My improvem n re'ates to that class of sodafountains designed to set again t a wall; and it consists in constructing the front of the case in two parts, the upper part being higher than thecase, Whereby the case may he convenientl y opened in front, an'l allow a'lmisio to the ice-chainber Without marring the be mty or uityot' the front of the case. V
To enable others skilled in the art to make and use my inveution, I will proceed to describe the exact inanner in which I have carried it out.
A represents a marble soda-fountain case, made of any desired pattern. B is a door leading into the ice-chamber B', and is suspended by the hiuges c to the top of the fountain. These hinges are placed behind the door so as to be entirely hidden from view, and the portions of the marble door above and below the hinges are so nicely balanced on the hinges as to rendor the door easily opened or closed. When opened, the upper portion of the door falls back and lies on the top of the case.
Every one accustomed to serving at a sodafountain has experienced the difficulty and great incouvenience of reaching the ice-chamber through the top of a soda-fountain, While to place a door ou the front of a fountaiu would tend to destroy the beauty of its design. To overcome these difficulties is the purpose of my iuvention. It is evident, that by balancing, as I do, the marble door on its hinges, I secure a door that can be readily opened or closed, and thus overcome what would otherwise bea serious objection to the weight of' the door. It not only offers a ready facilty for placing bottles ot' mineral water, cream, 833., on the ice, with no inconvenience to the dispenser, but, when closed, the door itself constitutes a portion of the ornamental front, without its function as a door being seen.
Having thns explained my inveution, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
In a soda-fountain case, a front constructed in two parts, the upper part extcnding above the top of the case, and hinged, as shown and described.
JAMES W. TUFTS. Witnesses:


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