Scalar 2 User's GuideMain MenuGetting StartedExplains account and book creation, and some interface basics.QuickStartsA path of all QuickStart content in this user's guide.Working with MediaHow to get the most out of your use of media in Scalar.Working with ContentCreating and editing content in Scalar.Working with WidgetsWorking with StructureHow to use Scalar's many options for structuring publications.Editorial WorkflowHow to use features for performing editorial review of content.VisualizationsExploring the contents of a book visually.LensesAn introduction to lenses, a tool for searching and visualizing Scalar content.Advanced TopicsDescribing Scalar's more advanced features.Third Party Plugins and Platforms
Scalar 2: What’s New?
12015-08-07T21:01:22-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e32968plain2015-08-10T23:06:38-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eScalar’s reader interface has been completely rebuilt to give your books greater visual impact while also making them easier to read, navigate, and edit. Explore the path below to learn more about what’s changed and how to make the most of the new features.
This page has paths:
12014-10-01T16:38:31-07:00Erik Loyerf862727c4b34febd6a0341bffd27f168a35aa637WelcomeCraig Dietrich15Introduction to the User's Guideplain2018-04-17T21:12:12-07:00Craig Dietrich2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490
Contents of this path:
12015-08-07T21:15:18-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eNew Ways to Navigate33Scalar 2.0: What's Newplain2015-08-10T23:07:37-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
12015-08-07T21:08:56-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eNew Focus on Media19Scalar 2.0: What's Newplain2015-08-10T23:13:50-07:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e