FemTechNet Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Pedagogy Workbook Main MenuHome: FemTechNet Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Pedagogy WorkbookIntersectionalitySyllabiLearning ActivitiesVideo DialoguesCommunity-Based and Publicly Engaged LearningReadingsOut of Network ProjectsContributorsAnne Cong-Huyen2cd5756966e2d167092be4db704d063e79b47ac4Christofer Rodelo1bd5fe92558f5ba75d750ae3d3316342c5df147aErica Maria Cheung423b53227f64fa3529e53902ecc0dbb0c6054392alex cruse5d057e3a6005c2eeaffb14bd3d8719f16503a9d0Regina Yung Leeef6dd3472bbc70064a3c5fb139c0a8406e555e27Katie Huang6c1005f043c04a794435bb662f29f9b7c743d715George Hoagland9d46484a5b260413b9e379b1f4ebbd4f6cacc7f5Dana Simmons0a5c8361fde0dbee880c6abaa07f86b2d5d62931Sharon Irish79ecb7812e881fd4ae139f3aad86ca22c15a7946Amanda Phillips25cd7081e6a1678b5555defbc0e82a0f61d30e3eVeronica Paredesf39d262eb7e9d13906fe972f3e5494dbae1896bcGenevieve Carpiocbaef6f4fe1847cc774ee8ef5c2d6efb0a58fda3
CL Cole
12015-05-21T21:56:16-07:00Anne Cong-Huyen2cd5756966e2d167092be4db704d063e79b47ac447042vistag2015-05-21T21:56:46-07:00Anne Cong-Huyen2cd5756966e2d167092be4db704d063e79b47ac4Cole is Professor of Media and Cinema Studies, Communications, and Gender & Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She is the co-editor of “Women, Sport & Culture” (with Susan Birrell) and “Sport and Corporate Nationalisms” (with Michael Silk and David Andrews). She is currently completing a book manuscript tentatively titled “Good Sports? The Boundaries of American Democracy.” She is the co-editor of the SUNY book series (with Michael Messner), “Sport, Culture & Social Relations,” and editor of the Journal of Sport & Social Issues. She serves on the editorial boards of Cultural Studies — Critical Methodologies, Qualitative Research in Sport & Exercise, and the NYU book series, “Biopolitics: Medicine, Technoscience, & Health in the 21st Century.” She is the recipient of one of the University of Illinois’ Critical Research Initiative Awards and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.