FemTechNet Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Pedagogy Workbook

Video Dialogues

This page documents the many relevant excerpts from the current FemTechNet video archive that can be used in a DOCC course focusing on feminism, technology, critical race and ethnic studies topics. 
Video Dialogues are professionally produced videos which feature two feminist scholars in conversation about particular topics and their intersection with feminism and technology. Also part of the project are Keyword Videos, more informal videos centered on a particular keyword created by any member of the network. You can find these under the Student Work page in this guidebook.
Video Dialogue on Feminism, Technology, and Race featuring Lisa Nakamura and María Fernández, moderated by Anne Balsamo at Brown University in March 2013. Link to transcript.

"Feminism, Technology, and Race" from FemTechNet on Vimeo.

Video Dialogue on Feminism, Technology, and Bodies featuring Skawennati and Heather Cassils, moderated by T.L. Cowan at The New School in October 2013. Link to transcript.

"Feminism, Technology, and Bodies" from FemTechNet on Vimeo.

Video Dialogue on Feminism, Technology, and Place featuring Sharon Irish and Radhika Gajjala, moderated by Alex Juhasz at Pitzer College in November 2013. Link to transcript.

Feminism, Technology, and Place from FemTechNet on Vimeo.

Video Dialogue on Feminism, Technology, and Bodies featuring Dorothy Roberts and Karen Flynn, moderated by Sharon Irish at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Fall 2013. Link to transcript.

Bodies 2013 Illinois from FemTechNet on Vimeo.

Contributors: Veronica Paredes

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  1. Table of Contents Genevieve Carpio

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