Out of Network Projects
This section highlights some existing projects that engage the intersections of race, ethnic studies, transnationalism, feminist studies, digital pedagogies, and/or technology. In pointing towards out of network projects, we hope to draw attention to the myriad ways ethnic studies and feminist scholars are thinking through questions of central importance to digital pedagogies. The breadth of projects being theorized, developed, and produced underscores shared affinities across the web, while also pointing to the important need for multiple strategies when engaging diverse histories, geographies, and power relationships.
The links below represent projects in Race and the Digital Humanities, a crowdsourced list initiated by Adeline Koh in response to the question "When you think of 'race' and the digital humanities, what are your favorite projects that spring to mind?" The list, later Storified by Koh, has been supplemented with suggestions by members of the FemTechNet Ethnic Studies Committee. We encourage you to share your own favorite projects at femtechnetcres@gmail.com.
The links below represent projects in Race and the Digital Humanities, a crowdsourced list initiated by Adeline Koh in response to the question "When you think of 'race' and the digital humanities, what are your favorite projects that spring to mind?" The list, later Storified by Koh, has been supplemented with suggestions by members of the FemTechNet Ethnic Studies Committee. We encourage you to share your own favorite projects at femtechnetcres@gmail.com.
Hypercities: Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities
Invisible Australians: The Real Face of White Australia
Invisible Australians: The Real Face of White Australia
Octavia's Brood
Of Another Fashion: An Alternative Archive of the Not-Quite-Hidden But Often Ignored Fashion Histories of U.S. Women of Color
Of Another Fashion: An Alternative Archive of the Not-Quite-Hidden But Often Ignored Fashion Histories of U.S. Women of Color
Credit: Race and the Digital Humanities: A Crowdsourced Project List by Adeline Koh
Contributors: Genevieve Carpio, Anne Cong-Huyen
Contributors: Genevieve Carpio, Anne Cong-Huyen
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