FemTechNet Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Pedagogy Workbook

Out of Network Projects

This section highlights some existing projects that engage the intersections of race, ethnic studies, transnationalism, feminist studies, digital pedagogies, and/or technology. In pointing towards out of network projects, we hope to draw attention to the myriad ways ethnic studies and feminist scholars are thinking through questions of central importance to digital pedagogies. The breadth of projects being theorized, developed, and produced underscores shared affinities across the web, while also pointing to the important need for multiple strategies when engaging diverse histories, geographies, and power relationships. 

The links below represent projects in Race and the Digital Humanities, a crowdsourced list initiated by Adeline Koh in response to the question "When you think of 'race' and the digital humanities, what are your favorite projects that spring to mind?" The list, later Storified by Koh, has been supplemented with suggestions by members of the FemTechNet Ethnic Studies Committee. We encourage you to share your own favorite projects at femtechnetcres@gmail.com.
African American Aids History Project
African American Intellectual History Society
African Diaspora PhD
Africa in Words
Africa Past & Present: The Podcast about African History, Culture, and Politics
AfroCROWD: Afro Free Culture Crowdsourcing Wikimedia
AfroGEEKS 2005: Global Blackness and the Digital Public Sphere
Alien Bodies: Race, Space, and Sex in the African Diaspora
Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in America: A Visual Record 
Black Gotham Archive
Chicana por mi Raza: Uncovering the Hidden History of Chicana Feminism (1965‐1985)
CyberDiva Blog
Diaspora Hypertext, the Blog: History, Media, and the Digital Humanities from an Afro-Atlantic Perspective
Digging In: The Historic Trails of Nebraska
Digitizing "Chinese Englishmen"
Documenting the American South
Early Caribbean Digital Archive
Education in our Barrios

Every Single Word Spoken by a Person of Color in [Mainstream Film Title]
floating.sheep: The Geography of Hate
Hypercities: Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities

Invisible Australians: The Real Face of White Australia
LatiNergr@s Project
Latin@Mobility in California History
Left of Black: Black Studies for a Mobile Digital Network
Legacies of British Slave-Ownership
Lesbian Herstory Archives
New BlackMan (in Exile)
Nicest Kids in Town
NOLA Course Archive
Octavia's Brood 

Of Another Fashion: An Alternative Archive of the Not-Quite-Hidden But Often Ignored Fashion Histories of U.S. Women of Color

Papakilo Database
PDUB Productions: A Youth Media + Civic Engagement Program in Historic Filipinotown
People of Color in European Art History
Performing Archive: Curtis + "the vanishing race"
Postcolonial Digital Humanities
Postcolonial Studies @ Emory
Queering Slavery Working Group
Reciprocal Research Network: First Nations Items from the Northwest Coast
Real Face of White Australia
Redshift and Portalmetal
Routes and Roots: Cultivating Filipino American History on the Central Coast
Save Wiyabi Project
Slave Narrative Name Database Project
Soweto '76 3D
Stockton Postcolonial Studies Project
Stz’uminus Storied Places Digital Atlas

Trading Races: A Historical Role Playing Game Set at the University of Michigan, 2003
Transborder Immigrant Tool: A Mexico/US Border Art Project
#TransformDH: This is the Digital Humanities
UC Latino Cultures Network
Umoho Heritage Project
VozMob: Voces Moviles/ Mobile Voices
Why I Need Diverse Games
Women Who Rock: Making Scenes Building Communities
Virtual Harlem Project
Voyages: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
Credit: Race and the Digital Humanities: A Crowdsourced Project List by Adeline Koh
Contributors: Genevieve Carpio, Anne Cong-Huyen

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