Feminist Next System Literature Review

Genevieve Vaughan

Genevieve Vaughan is an independent researcher whose work focuses on the maternal gift economy as an alternative to Patriarchal Capitalism. Vaughan's wrote the following books on the maternal gift economy: For-Giving, a Feminist Criticism of Exchange, (Plain View Press 1997) and two edited books Athanor:The Gift/ Il Dono: A Feminist Analysis (Meltemi Editore 2004), and Women and the Gift Economy: A Radically Different Worldview is Possible (Inanna Press 2007).

  1. By the channeling of wealth into the hands of the few who then have power over the many;
  2. By spending on armaments and monuments which have no nurturing value but only serve for destruction and display of power; and
  3. By privatizing or depleting the environment so that the gifts of nature are unavailable to the many.

“The exchange paradigm is a belief system which validates this kind of behavior. Individuals who espouse it are functional to the economic system of which they are a part. Exchange is adversarial, each person tries to give less and get more, an attitude which creates antagonism and distance among the players. Gift giving creates and requires abundance. In fact, in scarcity gift giving is difficult and even self sacrificial, while in abundance it is satisfying and even delightful”

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