Feminist Next System Literature Review

El Mundo Zurdo

El Mundo Zurdo, the left-handed world, is the vision of radical Third World feminism (196). A world where the colored, the queer, the poor, the female, and the physically challenged would feel at home. Women on the bottom throughout the world can form an international feminism. Separatism by race, nation, or gender will not do the trick of revolution. Autonomy, however is not separatism. We recognize the right and necessity of colonized peoples throughout the world, including Third World women in the US, forming independent movements towards self-government. But ultimately we must struggle together. Together we form a vision that spans from the self-love of our colored skins, to the respect of our foremothers who kept the embers of revolution burning, to our reverence for the trees--the final reminder of our rightful place on this planet.

"I believe that by changing ourselves we change the world, that traveling El Mundo Zurdo path is the path of a two-way movement--a going deep into the self and an expanding out into the world, a simultaneous recreation of the self and a reconstruction of society." (208) 

Cited from 1983 collection of feminist writings, This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color 

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