Feminist Next System Literature Review

Queer Life in a Socialist US

In a 2014 book Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA, Leslie Cagan and Melanie Kaye/Kantrowiz describe a queer socialist culture, addressing key questions on gender and sex work:

“(i)n a socialist culture, the current norms of male and female gender identity would be things of the past. Gender identity would not be based on the biological differences between male and female, although we would certainly not hide or deny those differences [and] (a)t the same time, the decision to alter one’s body or change one’s gender would also be respected and accepted.” (103)

Cagan and Kaye/Kantrowitz foresee a continuation of the gender system (albeit in modified form). They question biological (and elsewhere) gender but don't come to a definitive answer:  “Are our sexual desires and needs determined by biology — are we born that way?” (101) They “can imagine that there might still be some type of sex workers within a socialist culture” (103-4), albeit with very different “work relations.” 

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