Feeding a Crowd

Fairtrade recipes

Fair-Trade Tomatoes?


Thousands of tomato Farm laborers are victims of modern day slavery today in the United States and Mexico.


Workers do not receive regular pay for work, Work seven days a week with no breaks. Workers are equipped with housing, often with many others and aren’t even paid enough to cover the cost of rent and food, so they have to pay with credit. On these farms women are often exploited. Through this system they are bound to the land with no way to escape.


What does one do?

Believe it or not, one person truly does make a difference.

The Fair Food Program has a new label that you can look for at participating buyers. You can also join a local Fair Food Group.

And look for this label or other fair trade labels

Click to find ways to take action: http://www.foodchainsfilm.com/take-action#what-you-can-do   image of fair trade labels






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