Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Social Media: (But Were Too Afraid to Ask)

Social Media Bringing People Together

Social Media has not been around for too long and has tremendously expanded over the last couple of years. Social Media today is used to interact with friends and family as well as keeping in touch with the ones that are a distance from us. Before it was difficult to get a hold of friends and family who were miles away and even countries away, not being able to keep up with our relatives while they go on business trips or vacations. Things have changed now and its easier than ever to do all of the things we once could not do. 

The Beginning

It started off with MySpace which was where teenagers would interact, communicate and share photos. Not very long after Facebook took over MySpace and became more popular than MySpace ever was, but of course things get old and teens move on to other social media that becomes more popular. Facebook soon began to be the adult center where parents kept in touch with family and friends, they share photos of their children for long distance family to see. Facebook has many features that it did not have before, for example video calling, phone calling, and instant messaging. Facebook is said to be the top way of Family and Friends keeping in touch for 35% of those surveyed. 

What's Popular Now

The way teens interact and contact with friends is by using Twitter and Snapchat. Not only do they follow and add their friends but they always share memes, photos, and videos on twitter whereas on snapchat it is sharing more of your everyday life since its an instant post. Snapchat is the fastest way to get a hold of people because it works like a text message and just pops out on your screen when someone sends you a message or photo but snapchat is more of a selfie sharing part of social media. Twitter varies in category. They have many things and it is likely that most adults aren't very familiar with so this would just refer to the younger generation. Either way social media provides many ways for friends and family to stay connected no matter where they are and to share information and photos and things around that corner. Facebook is one of the networks that allows to create events and invite others which would make it a lot easier to send to far away family and friends which can also save you money on paper invitations for example.

There are many different ways of communicating with friends and there are other ways used for communicating with family. A lot of times teens prefer not to have their parents on the same social media because they want privacy from their parents and there are good and bad sides to that. 
Allan, By Darren. "Modern Technology Brings Friends and Family Closer Together." BetaNews. N.p., 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.

Lizette Herrera


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