In a Bronze Mirror: Eileen Chang’s Life and LiteratureMain MenuEileen Chang's Life and LegacyLA Team: Yiwei, Helena and JennyChinese Life and FashionsLove in Fallen CitiesRed Roses White RosesMotherhood and MarriageHistorical Translations and Cross-Cultural FuturesAbout the Project
Letter from Eileen Chang to C.T. Hsia, September 1966
1media/letter_chang_to_hsia_1966_3.jpg2020-11-02T12:13:30-08:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e378981An airletter from Eileen Chang to C.T. Hsia, 1966. In this letter dated Sept 14, Eileen Chang informs Hsia of her new address. This letter also has an attachment to Mr. Ping Xingtao. This attachment explains that the version of "Yuan Nu" publish in Crown Press should not be used for her book. The envelope has 5 USPS 5-cents stamps. The back of the envelope is stamped 16 Sept 1966 Washington DC; also has one Taiwan stamped 22 Sept. It is addressed to "Mr. Chih-tsing Hsia, 205 Chin Hua Street, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China" from "Reyher, 1315 C St. SE, Apt. 22, Washington, D.C. 20003."; 張愛玲寄給夏志清的信, 1966. 這封信註明9月15日寫的. 張愛玲告知夏志清新家地址. 並附上寄給平鑫濤的信函. 信裡面說明皇冠連載"怨女"係原以為遺失之稿, 不同意皇冠根據連載"怨女"出書. 信封上有5張5分錢的郵票, 信封背面有郵政戳印日期為1966年9月16日華盛頓及另一個台灣郵政戳印日期為9月22日, 信封上有收件人地址"Mr. Chih-tsing Hsia, 205 Chin Hua Street, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China"及寄件人地址"Reyher, 1315 C St. SE, Apt. 22, Washington, D.C. 20003."2020-11-02T12:13:30-08:00Ailing Zhang (Eileen Chang) Papers, 1919-1994, USC Digital LibraryCurtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
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12020-10-16T00:28:58-07:00Rueichen Tsai3ba9b8ec21dd22fe40f233413ff0e67031a27233Red Roses White RosesTang Li46structured_gallery2020-11-18T08:41:45-08:00Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46
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12020-10-16T00:28:58-07:00Rueichen Tsai3ba9b8ec21dd22fe40f233413ff0e67031a27233Gender and Sexuality/Desire, Longing, and Ill-Fated Romance26structured_gallery2020-11-02T13:17:16-08:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e