Entanglements: an exploration of the digital literary work FISHNETSTOCKINGSMain MenuStartCover pageFishnetStockings FundamentalsA path of background and documentation of FishnetStockingsMermaids, Little and Otherwisea path on one of the most famous mermaid talesHybriditySub/ImmersionProcessing, Systems, and CodeMovement/DanceSilhouettesUnderwater Paper CuttingSwim Through the CodeA path about the code of FishnetStockingsFellow Fishworks of digital art that set precedentWorks CitedSources of our inspiration and edificiationDiana Leong5f86c388d73d4478d782c449582a052ecb430834Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777Jessica Pressman42c474d93c0b66b9f6bb205f58680b42bcf8968b
fishnet1 jellylegs JellyLegs 0000
1media/JellyLegs__0000_thumb.png2022-04-22T22:24:12-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777393861plain2022-04-22T22:24:12-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777
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12022-05-05T22:43:13-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777Act I: visual assetsMark C. Marino3The assets used in Act I of FISHNETSTOCKINGSstructured_gallery2022-05-12T14:12:19-07:00Mark C. Marino82e88cf89eeb02b94655b66cf941328b5c035777
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12022-05-11T08:57:59-07:00Aune Paper Cuts4plain2022-05-13T15:09:41-07:00
In FISHNETSTOCKINGS, these entanglements are evoked by Alison Aune’s detailed cutouts of mermaids, sea creatures, and ships. Initially rendered in the same style of Scandinavian folk art to which Andersen’s cutouts belong, Aune’s contributions are then cut, re-arranged, and layered with the installation’s other elements to create a collage teeming with new associations and refreshed meaning [See Mark’s “Mermaid as Trans” and Jessica’s “Aesthetics of Hybridity - Collage”]. Through the immersive space of “FISHNETSTOCKINGS”, paper cutting becomes not only an artistic method and product, but also a practice of undersea networking.