Artworks: The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Myself, Diego and Señor Xólotl
1media/2ad4b2c438ce05176266b4a4e3545768.jpgmedia/the-love-embrace-of-the-universe-the-earth-mexico-myself-diego-and-senor-xolotl.jpg2016-09-15T03:51:11-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0113161plain2016-09-15T03:51:11-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0Frida Kahlo and TraumaChapter TwoFrida frequently adopts a maternal role towards her husband, Diego, stating that: “… I – always want most of all to hold him in their arms like a new-born baby” (Kettenman 1992:76). In The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Myself, Diego and Señor Xólotl (1949), Frida is inspired by ancient Mexican mythology, which includes binaries of day and night which permeate each other, the sun and the moon, as well as the earth goddess Cihuacoatl who gives birth to all flora whose breast drips life-giving milk. Kahlo is holding her husband in her arms like a baby. Their love is protected by Señor Xólotl – their dog – who represents Xólotl, a being in a form of a dog that guards the realm of the dead, thus life (Cihuacoatl) and death (Xólotl) are incorporated into Kahlo’s depiction of the world.