1media/2ad4b2c438ce05176266b4a4e3545768.jpgmedia/memory-the-heart.jpg2016-09-15T03:44:09-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0113165image_header2016-12-04T13:14:51-08:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0Frida Kahlo presents her emotional pain as physical pain and when her husband had an affair with her sister, Christina, she expressed her anguish through pictorial symbolism in Memory (1937). Here, she painted herself with no hands – which symbolises helplessness and despair – and a void in her chest where her heart should be. On the floor at her feet lies her enlarged heart symbolic of the intensity of her pain and she is standing with one foot on the ground and the other in the sea.