1media/2ad4b2c438ce05176266b4a4e3545768.jpgmedia/without-hope.jpg2016-09-15T03:47:45-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0113163image_header2016-12-04T13:16:52-08:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0Frida Kahlo had grown very thin due to her lack of appetite, and as a result was prescribed a fattening diet of puréed food. Nauseated by being force-fed, Kahlo was inspired to paint Without Hope (1945) and at the back of it wrote: “Not the least hope remains to me… Everything moves in time with what the belly contains”.