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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Stylin Online has its corporate headquarters in Memphis, Michigan in the United States, and offers pop-culture themed commodities, specifically T-Shirts. James Stylin describes this store as a “pop culture department store” ( True to form, within the Men's, Women's, and Children's section of the Stylin Online Department store, there are certain sub-sections devoted to Video game-, music-, movie-, comic book-,and cartoon-themed T-shirts, many of which are associated with the mainstream of the Global 20th/21st Century media and culture. The merchandise on display, however, are not limited to T-shirts, as a variety of other accesories, such as belt buckles, jewelry, key chains, gloves, and a host of others, are also available for purchase. Judging by the range of merchandise available, from Kill-Bill T-Shirts (in the horror section), to Sesame Street hoodies (cartoon section), it is evident that Stylin Online seeks to carter to the tastes of a variety of people. James Stylin confirms this, stating repeatedly on the Stylin Online tour video on the website, that;

"We have something for everyone."

With over eleven thousand T-shirts available at Stylin Online, each falling into one or more of over twenty categories, such a bold statement seems quite plausible. The price-range of these commodities is fairly reasonable, with most T-Shirts not costing beyond twenty-five dollars. In fact, discounts as high as seventy-five percent are being offered at Stylin Online in anticipation of the Black Friday/ Christmas shopping craze.

Looking through, at about 5:00PM, on the 19th of November at NYU Abu Dhabi's Downtown Campus, a certain T-shirt caught my eye.

"Is that a bird?"

"Is that a plane?"

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