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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Close your eyes. Metaphorically my friends, close your eyes
metaphorically. Welcome to the realm of the unconscious, to the world of the
surreal. You may marvel at the tangible beauty of this nebulous terrain, you
may not. You may discover some obscure path that leads to a startling
realization, or a better understanding of the metaphysics of this strange
universe, and just as well, you may get lost, perhaps trapped, under the dead
pan weight of your own thoughts. But all I ask, my friends, my dear friends, is
that you close your eyes, that you trust me with your minds, and that you
follow my voice. Giving due consideration to your preferences, I have created
two different pathways through which you may navigate this page. You could choose
to take a quick nap. This would save you time and provide a condensed version
of the journey that awaits us both. Otherwise, you could slumber, and immerse
yourself in every single magical detail of the journey as it unfolds.

Our sojourn into the dream world will bring us in to the bed side of  arguably the most notable surrealist in history, Dali, and his most
notable art piece, originally titled La Persistencia De La Memoria, but more
generally known as The Persistence of Memory. We will, come accross Freud pyjamaed in psychoanalysis, an
early influence on Dali’s art, as well as on those of other surrealists, hoping
to gain some  insight, forgive me, dreamsight, into Dali’s ideas of the unconscious, as rendered in the painting. And
throughout the course of this journey, we will seek to discover how and why
Dali rendered the unconscious as he did in this painting, with particular focus
on the technology he utilized in the process.But why, you may ask. Why is it necessary to make this journey in the first place? What revelations does it promise such as to outweigh the effort that it will have you put in? Does all this talk about sleep not immediately bring to mind the possibility of a dour, uninteresting non-adventure? Wait my friends, be patient. You see, sleep, and the dream world by relationship, viewed especially through the closed, resting eyes of the surrealists we will meet, is beautiful, the purest, representation of the human psyche, stripped bare of suffocating logic, and reason, which occassionally may not entirely resonate with your truest desires. Leave gravity behind, as you come with me. Save some for your eye lids. Abandon all rationality, or whatever weights that the conscious state may impose on your imagination. And subject yourself to the frivolities of your wildest, most creative dreams, under my friendly direction. So my friends, seeing as I should
hold you back no longer from the journey ahead, I ask once more. Close your
eyes. Welcome, my friends. Welcome.


You were successful in luring in the audience into your essay and your introduction to it was very intriguing. However, I would like you to use a metaphor which can familiarize the reader with the art piece and feel more connected to it rather than making it just your own. 

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