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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Superman merchandise are created by a variety of designers, in varying locations worldwide. The T-shirt I found at Stylin Online could have been designed in the USA by TV Mania, an apparel retailer, whose recent partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products EMEA (a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Inc.) saw the creation of a new Superman themed clothing line. But it could just as easily have been produced by other popular manufacturers, such as Nanchang Guangqiu Clothing Co. Ltd, or Shishi Wendu Clothing Co., Ltd., both located in China. From these places, the T-Shirt could have been transported alongside similarly branded merchandise, to various suppliers in Japan, Johannesburg, Germany, Bangladesh, China, or rather conveniently, the U.S., from where the Stylin Online company could have purchased the merchandise en masse. All it would take from this point, would be the simple matter of a photograph of the T-shirt, uploaded onto the Stylin Online website for eager shoppers, or eager students for my part, to inspect and admire.

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