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Alexei Taylor, Author
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Cypher refers to either a secret language, or to a hidden message written in code. 
Humans have been fascinated by the idea of cyphers, of creating and deciphering them. Evidence of this is popular culture, which in every level is plagued by the motif of puzzles and unlocking them. For example, the DaVinci code (and the related series) was an extremely popular book and movie but one does not have to be as explicit. Heist movies, another popular genre, which follow the popular format of Ocean’s 11 are also about deciphering, in this case the plot; the viewer is trying to understand what is happening before the movie tells him, and there is a clear satisfaction in the unraveling of the mystery. 

I believe, that the reason for this obsession, especially in the current times is the subconscious idea that there’s a hidden meaning, or a hidden truth. Because it is now accepted that truth is not necessarily absolute, we try to give an alternate meaning to our surroundings, leading us in constant pursuit of deciphering even the mundane, in search for something larger than life or at least, bigger than ourselves.

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