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Publishing The Art Bulletin

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Panel 6

1913 vol. 1, no. 1

 (All timeline entries illustrate the cover of the first issue mentioned to show changes in format.)

This first issue carries the full title on the cover: The Bulletin of the College Art Association of America.  The new journal was intended to serve the full membership of the new organization by building a national framework for arts education through concerted planning and advocacy.  In this inaugural issue is the presidential address by HOLMES SMITH, Problems of the CAA (pdf; tagged as an editorial statement).  Many of Smith's comments resonate with present concerns:  
This is an age and ours is a country in which events of national magnitude succeed each other, new cults arise, movements progress, and opinions change with bewildering swiftness. Within a decade there could be found serious-minded men and women who questioned the value of higher education to the youth of our land – who believed that college training tended to unfit rather than to fit a man or a woman for usefulness in life. Recent events would seem to support the more conservative view that there is no more important factor in the progress of our civilization that the schooling for practical affairs afforded by our so-called institutions of higher learning”.…”there is no lack of opportunity for usefulness on the part of the College Art Association. Its aim should be to influence our board of governors, our faculties and our student bodies that the university might eventually occupy a leading position in artistic thought, such as it has already attained in the other great branches of national activity.   

For an overview of the concerns and goals of the new organization, see Susan Ball, “The Beginnings: “Art for higher education and higher education for Artists” in Susan Ball, ed., The Eye, The Hand, The Mind: 100 Years of the College Art Association (New York: College Art Association and New Brunswick, NY, and London: Rutgers University Press, 2011), pp. 19–31 and notes, pp. 256260. For a thorough historical overview of The Art Bulletin and other CAA journals, see Craig Houser, “The Changing Face of Scholarly Publishing: CAA’s Publications Program,” in Susan Ball, ed., The Eye, The Hand, The Mind: 100 Years of the College Art Association, pp. 47–87 and notes, pp. 262–268.

This first issue does not include a table of contents. (See 1913 Table of Contents.) As can be seen in the following entries along the timeline, the apparatus for presenting information and the format of that apparatus developed gradually over the early years of the journal's history.  

Much of the content in this first issue concerns CAA governance, including CAA's first Constitution and Bylaws (pdf). See current CAA By-laws and current CAA Mission Statement, and CAA presidents. This first issue also lists CAA conference papers. Listings of conference papers continued to be published in the journal until 1927, vol. 9, no. 3.  A partial record of conference programs is now available online.

NB: Publication was suspended during much of World War I (19141918) with the result that the first four issues of volume 1 were to span the years 1913–1918. 

Each segment of this first issue and all subsequent issues through 2009 are available in pdf format through JSTOR. Volume 1, nos. 1–2, and vol. 2 are available free of charge and without subscription.
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