Writing With Substance: You Can Haz it! SRSLY!

What's with the Cats, anyway?

LOL. Because cats created teh internets, silly!

People have tried to explain the cultural phenomenon this book invokes repeatedly. You could read this attempt, this one, this explanation, or just appreciate the fact that the various macros (and now memes) associated with cats are also memes about language and the manipulation of language. I am a fan of both. 

Another reason I am using cat images here (beyond the fact that I really do like to look at images of cats quite a bit) is the fact that they are part of our campus now--I hope you've been able to see some of the feral cats that live by our classrooms--and part of its history. Our Special Collections librarians can tell you more about Mrs. Hofstra's cats if you'd like to see these images (or any of the other cool things the university owns) in person.

Finally, I suppose I could also mention a pertinent saying that relies on what I hope is a now a dead metaphor: "there's more than one way to skin a cat." I would never do anything to harm a cat (and you shouldn't either, and not just because it's against the law). The basic idea conveyed by that phrase is somewhat useful, however, in its implication that you may use multiple approaches to achieve an outcome. Writing works that way in some respects, even as there are "preferred" approaches in every academic discipline that may constrain some (or all) aspects of your written work. 

Throughout this semester, you'll hear me make statements along these lines:
  • "There's no right or wrong here--context and audience will determine whether your choice is effective or not."
  • "There's no such thing as a good source or a bad source. What matters is how you intend to use it,  hether it supports what you intend for it to support, and the degree to which it and your use of it meet some standards of intellectual integrity."
  • "Well, maybe. But try it anyway and see how it goes. Ask others to read it and provide feedback."
  • "Hmm. I don't know if that will work. But I can't know for sure until I see it in motion. Put it in motion."
  • "Either way will be fine. The real question is this: what will be the way that inspires you to keep moving ahead with this subject matter?"
We should never harm cats. But we should be open to trying different structures, diction, and approaches as we work on our prose––and we must be mindful of the implications and consequences of our choices in each case. 

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