WHOA: Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Online ArchiveMain MenuIntroduction & NavigationArchive CrossroadsView Archive By Source ThemeView Archive By Timeline of SourcesView Archive By Source LocationsView Archive By Source TypeView Research on Pre-WWII WR & HoxieEdward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1870-07-28 Horse Thief and Counterfeiter Robbins at WR Shot - AR Gazette pg 2_thumb.jpg2020-05-12T12:26:16-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61870-07-28 Arkansas Gazette pg 23News items include the shootings of S. S. Dowell of Clover Bend and WR counterfeiter/horse thief R. R. Robbins, as well as increased interest in a Pocahontas railroad.media/1870-07-28 Horse Thief and Counterfeiter Robbins at WR Shot - AR Gazette pg 2.jpgplain2020-05-31T19:50:58-07:0007/28/1870Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1911-08-15 Forger Caught in Arizona Wanted in WR for Bank Fraud - Tucson AZ pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-11T12:03:22-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61911-08-15 Tucson Arizona Daily Star AZ pg 62A forger caught in Arizona is wanted in Walnut Ridge for bank fraud.media/1911-08-15 Forger Caught in Arizona Wanted in WR for Bank Fraud - Tucson AZ pg 6.pngplain2020-06-11T12:05:07-07:0008/15/1911Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1891-11-19 Man Has Different Spouses at Different RR Stops - Rolla MO pg 3_thumb.png2020-05-26T12:02:31-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61891-11-19 Rolla Herald MO pg 32A letter to a Missouri newspaper warns that a man in the area pretending he is single actually has multiple wives at various railroad towns, including Walnut Ridge.media/1891-11-19 Man Has Different Spouses at Different RR Stops - Rolla MO pg 3.pngplain2020-05-26T12:06:17-07:0011/19/1891Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1931-03-26 WR Man Sells Mortgaged Equipment With Restaurant, Indicted - Poplar Bluff MO pg 8_thumb.png2020-06-17T15:47:15-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61931-03-26 Poplar Bluff Republican MO pg 82A former WR restaurant owner is indicted for failing to mention, when selling the business, that the equipment is still mortgaged.media/1931-03-26 WR Man Sells Mortgaged Equipment With Restaurant, Indicted - Poplar Bluff MO pg 8.pngplain2020-06-17T15:53:40-07:0003/26/1931Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-07-22 Insurance Agent Arrested for Forging Citizens Names for Bond - Memphis TN pg 3_thumb.png2020-05-27T08:07:09-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-07-22 Memphis Commercial TN pg 32A Hoxie insurance agent is charged with forgery.media/1893-07-22 Insurance Agent Arrested for Forging Citizens Names for Bond - Memphis TN pg 3.pngplain2020-05-27T08:08:30-07:0007/22/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-07-23 WR Forger Commits Suicide - St Paul Globe MN pg 8_thumb.png2020-05-27T08:11:34-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-07-23 St Paul Globe MN pg 82The Hoxie insurance agent charged with forgery commits suicide in jail.media/1893-07-23 WR Forger Commits Suicide - St Paul Globe MN pg 8.pngplain2020-05-27T08:14:04-07:0007/23/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-02-21 Counterfeiter Captured in Hoxie May Have Ties to Minturn Gang - Memphis TN pg 4_thumb.png2020-05-27T15:47:32-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-02-21 Memphis Commercial TN pg 42A counterfeiter is arrested in Hoxie, and is thought to perhaps be connected with a mysterious gang near Minturn.media/1894-02-21 Counterfeiter Captured in Hoxie May Have Ties to Minturn Gang - Memphis TN pg 4.pngplain2020-05-27T15:49:44-07:0002/21/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-04-20 Epic Article About Hoxies Curse of Chronic Robbers - AR Gazette pg 6_thumb.png2020-05-27T16:12:26-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-04-20 Arkansas Gazette pg 62A deputy U.S. Marshal explains how "there is one town in Arkansas that needs ...attention" when it comes to crime: Hoxie.media/1894-04-20 Epic Article About Hoxies Curse of Chronic Robbers - AR Gazette pg 6.pngplain2020-05-27T16:19:00-07:0004/20/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1895-01-20 More Counterfeiters Captured in Southern LawCo - Girard KS pg 3_thumb.png2020-05-28T12:01:57-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61895-01-20 Girard Daily World KS pg 32Alleged counterfeiters are captured in southern Lawrence County.media/1895-01-20 More Counterfeiters Captured in Southern LawCo - Girard KS pg 3.pngplain2020-05-28T12:03:15-07:0001/20/1895Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6