WHOA: Walnut Ridge & Hoxie Online ArchiveMain MenuIntroduction & NavigationArchive CrossroadsView Archive By Source ThemeView Archive By Timeline of SourcesView Archive By Source LocationsView Archive By Source TypeView Research on Pre-WWII WR & HoxieEdward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/Hoxie Highc School - Flickr.jpg2020-05-02T10:14:27-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Life Experiences TagsEdward Harthorn7structured_gallery9919882020-05-28T14:06:04-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
Contents of this tag:
1media/Goodspeed Title Page.png2020-05-03T20:14:35-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61889-10 Goodspeed's Memoirs of NEA, Lawrence County Excerpts10A leading source of info on late-18th-century Lawrence County, featuring a detailed sketch of the county's history and economy as well as numerous biographical sketches. Taken from the larger work, "Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas."plain2020-05-07T16:19:38-07:0010/1889Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/WR Barber Shop January 1926 - FB Jimmy Barksdale via Larry Dobbs July 2013_thumb.jpg2020-06-23T15:37:18-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Photo, Barber Shop in Walnut Ridge, January 19255Mose Weir is among those depicted; property of Helen Weir.media/WR Barber Shop January 1926 - FB Jimmy Barksdale via Larry Dobbs July 2013.jpgplain2020-12-02T10:44:26-08:0001/1925Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1888-11-06 Racist Snub of Featherston in WR Telephone - Memphis Avalanche pg 4_thumb.png2020-05-17T14:58:03-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61888-11-06 Memphis Avalanche TN pg 44The Walnut Ridge Telephone newspaper prints a racist editorial snub against L. P. Featherstone, 1888 Union Labor candidate for Arkansas's First Congressional District, near election day. (See Featherstone's Encyclopedia of Arkansas entry at https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/lewis-porter-featherstone-4621/ for additional information.)media/1888-11-06 Racist Snub of Featherston in WR Telephone - Memphis Avalanche pg 4.pngplain2020-05-31T19:53:19-07:0011/06/1888Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1882-01-08 KKK in Lawrence County - Topeka Daily Commonwealth KS pg 1_thumb.jpg2020-05-13T21:02:46-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61882-01-08 Topeka Daily Commonwealth KS pg 13A Lawrence County KKK member refuses to take part in a plot to kill four people, but in a subsequent attempt to arrest the KKK members, three people are killed.media/1882-01-08 KKK in Lawrence County - Topeka Daily Commonwealth KS pg 1.jpgplain2020-05-13T21:07:59-07:0001/08/1882Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-04-06 African-American Cook Confesses to Fire, Says Others Guilty Too - Memphis TN pg 4_thumb.png2020-05-26T16:01:48-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-04-06 Memphis Commercial TN pg 43The Star Hotel cook confesses to starting the deadly fire but changes his story on who the other guilty parties are, and detectives are enlisted to investigate the matter.media/1893-04-06 African-American Cook Confesses to Fire, Says Others Guilty Too - Memphis TN pg 4.pngplain2020-05-26T16:07:14-07:0004/06/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-05-15 WR Mayor Swears in 100 Special Officers to Stop Citizen Attacks - Hutchinson KS pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-11T15:17:19-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-05-15 Hutchinson Gazette KS pg 13The Walnut Ridge mayor swears in one hundred special officers "to repel any further attacks of night riders on negro farmers."media/1912-05-15 WR Mayor Swears in 100 Special Officers to Stop Citizen Attacks - Hutchinson KS pg 1.pngplain2020-06-11T15:23:45-07:0005/15/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-04-16 Last Words and Hanging of African-American Will Jones - Arkansas Democrat pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-04T15:02:18-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-04-16 Arkansas Democrat pg 13A man is sentenced to hang at Walnut Ridge for murdering another man over a craps game, and his statement on the matter is given to the press.media/1904-04-16 Last Words and Hanging of African-American Will Jones - Arkansas Democrat pg 1.pngplain2020-06-04T15:14:45-07:0004/16/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-04-02 African-American Hotel Cook Accused of Starting the WR Fire - Memphis TN pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-26T15:30:56-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-04-02 Memphis Commercial TN pg 12The Star Hotel's cook is arrested and accused of starting the fire that killed two and destroyed a good portion of the town.media/1893-04-02 African-American Hotel Cook Accused of Starting the WR Fire - Memphis TN pg 1.pngplain2020-05-26T15:33:57-07:0004/02/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1906-05-13 Black Men Assaulting Railroad Worker at BR - Arkansas Democrat pg 5_thumb.png2020-06-05T15:31:45-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61906-05-13 Arkansas Democrat pg 52A special term of court is called in Powhatan to deal with cases related to an assault on a railroad worker at Black Rock.media/1906-05-13 Black Men Assaulting Railroad Worker at BR - Arkansas Democrat pg 5.pngplain2020-06-05T15:39:08-07:0005/13/1906Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1919-07-17 Mule Runs Away With Buggy Through Town, Wrecks Buggy - AR Gazette pg 6_thumb.png2020-06-15T13:39:05-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61919-07-17 Arkansas Gazette pg 62A mule runs away with a buggy through Hoxie, wrecking it against a car in the process.media/1919-07-17 Mule Runs Away With Buggy Through Town, Wrecks Buggy - AR Gazette pg 6.pngplain2020-06-15T13:41:31-07:0007/17/1919Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1885-04-02 African-American Porter Shoots at Hoxie Safe-Crackers - Ironton MO pg 4_thumb.jpg2020-05-14T13:58:43-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61885-04-02 Ironton County Register MO pg 42Would-be burglars at a Hoxie hotel flee in the dark after the porter shoots at them through a smoke-filled room.media/1885-04-02 African-American Porter Shoots at Hoxie Safe-Crackers - Ironton MO pg 4.jpgplain2020-05-14T14:03:11-07:0004/02/1885Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-04-04 More Details on Disastrous Downtown WR Fire - AR Gazette pg 4_thumb.png2020-05-26T15:41:11-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-04-04 Arkansas Gazette pg 42More details are given on the businesses destroyed by the Star Hotel fire in Walnut Ridge, and investigations of potential culprits behind the fire continue.media/1893-04-04 More Details on Disastrous Downtown WR Fire - AR Gazette pg 4.pngplain2020-05-26T15:49:13-07:0004/04/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1901-07-04 Detailed Letter Describing BR Pearl Rush - Fayetteville NC pg 4_thumb.png2020-06-03T10:02:44-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61901-07-04 Fayetteville Weekly Observer NC pg 42A letter from Walnut Ridge describes Black River pearling, and the sensation it has caused in the area.media/1901-07-04 Detailed Letter Describing BR Pearl Rush - Fayetteville NC pg 4.pngplain2020-06-03T10:07:28-07:0007/04/1901Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1907-09-25 African-American Arrested for Wearing Elk Badge - Vicksburg MS pg 3_thumb.png2020-06-07T09:26:44-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61907-09-25 Vicksburg Herald MS pg 32An African-American man is arrested in Walnut Ridge for wearing an Elk lodge pin on his coat.media/1907-09-25 African-American Arrested for Wearing Elk Badge - Vicksburg MS pg 3.pngplain2020-06-07T09:29:16-07:0009/25/1907Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1934-06-08 History of 1853 Improved Road in Powhatan - Baxter Bulletin Mtn Home pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-17T19:09:02-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61934-06-08 Mountain Home Baxter Bulletin pg 12A former resident describes antebellum Powhatan, including former industries there and the fate of a planned road from Powhatan to Crowley's Ridge leading near what became Walnut Ridge.media/1934-06-08 History of 1853 Improved Road in Powhatan - Baxter Bulletin Mtn Home pg 1.pngplain2020-06-17T19:39:57-07:0006/08/1934Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1886-09-02 White MO Woman Thought to Have Eloped With Black Hoxie Man - St Louis pg 7_thumb.jpg2020-05-14T14:36:24-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61886-09-02 St Louis Post-Dispatch MO pg 72A "young white woman" in Missouri that went missing had "been in correspondence with a negro of Hoxie, Ark., and is thought to have eloped with him."media/1886-09-02 White MO Woman Thought to Have Eloped With Black Hoxie Man - St Louis pg 7.jpgplain2020-05-14T14:39:49-07:0009/02/1886Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1901-09-21 Minutes of Senate Candidates Stop in WR - Arkansas Democrat pg 2-min_thumb.png2020-06-03T11:18:07-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61901-09-21 Arkansas Democrat pg 22The candidates for U.S. Senate stop in Walnut Ridge and hold their third set of speeches, trading barbs and discussing issues such as a tariff bill and a canal through Nicaragua (a goal fulfilled several years later with the Panama Canal).media/1901-09-21 Minutes of Senate Candidates Stop in WR - Arkansas Democrat pg 2-min.pngplain2020-06-03T11:28:30-07:0009/21/1901Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1907-10-10 African-American Elk Badge Arrest Story II - Versailles MO pg 2_thumb.png2020-06-07T09:32:49-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61907-10-10 Versailles Morgan County Republican MO pg 22Another news account states that the man arrested for wearing the Elk lodge badge "is suspected of having stolen" it.media/1907-10-10 African-American Elk Badge Arrest Story II - Versailles MO pg 2.pngplain2020-06-07T09:34:11-07:0010/10/1907Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1937-08-08 All-Black Jury Fines Black Man for Deserting Wife - Nashville Banner TN pg 27_thumb.png2020-06-18T14:02:15-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61937-08-08 Nashville Banner TN pg 272An all-black jury-- "first in Arkansas since Reconstruction days"-- is called and fines a man for deserting his wife.media/1937-08-08 All-Black Jury Fines Black Man for Deserting Wife - Nashville Banner TN pg 27.pngplain2020-06-18T14:03:34-07:0008/08/1937Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1887-08-30 African-American Boy Killed Trying to Sneak on Hoxie Train - St Louis MO pg 8_thumb.jpg2020-05-17T14:01:06-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61887-08-30 St Louis Post-Dispatch MO pg 82An African-American boy dies when attempting to sneak onto a train at Hoxie.media/1887-08-30 African-American Boy Killed Trying to Sneak on Hoxie Train - St Louis MO pg 8.jpgplain2020-05-17T14:02:52-07:0008/30/1887Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1893-05-07 BR African-American Dance Results in Dispute and Shooting - Memphis TN pg 5_thumb.png2020-05-26T16:29:27-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61893-05-07 Memphis Commercial TN pg 52A landlord disbands a dance at one of his houses in Black Rock, and a dispute between him and one of the guests escalates into a shooting the following day.media/1893-05-07 BR African-American Dance Results in Dispute and Shooting - Memphis TN pg 5.pngplain2020-05-26T16:32:29-07:0005/07/1893Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1902-12-11 African-American Man Shot By RR Cook for Taking Double Meat - Poplar Bluff pg 5_thumb.png2020-06-03T19:05:47-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61902-12-11 Poplar Bluff Citizen pg 52An African-American man working on a railroad tie train at WR was shot by the crew's cook for asking for a double serving of meat.media/1902-12-11 African-American Man Shot By RR Cook for Taking Double Meat - Poplar Bluff pg 5.pngplain2020-06-03T19:12:59-07:0012/11/1902Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1912-05-09 WR Race War of 1912 Article - Bamberg SC pg 3_thumb.png2020-06-11T14:35:36-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61912-05-09 Bamberg Herald SC pg 32A newspaper account describes a sequence of conflicts between a group of violent nightriders and an anti-nightrider coalition of black and white citizens, local law enforcement, and the state militia, in what became known as the Walnut Ridge Race War of 1912 (see https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/walnut-ridge-race-war-of-1912-7418/ for details).media/1912-05-09 WR Race War of 1912 Article - Bamberg SC pg 3.pngplain2020-06-11T14:57:28-07:0005/09/1912Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/N1894-03-22 Man Sentenced for WR Arson - Memphis Commercial pg 4_thumb.png2020-05-27T15:56:47-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-03-22 Memphis Commercial TN pg 42Ad Cain, charged with starting the fire that burned the Star Hotel and other WR businesses in April 1893, is sentenced to two years in prison.media/N1894-03-22 Man Sentenced for WR Arson - Memphis Commercial pg 4.pngplain2020-05-27T15:59:20-07:0003/22/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1904-01-22 Taxable Property and Livestock in LawCo - Arkansas Democrat pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-04T14:42:10-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61904-01-22 Arkansas Democrat pg 12A list of taxable values in Lawrence County notes property values, livestock quantities, and the number of people liable for poll taxes.media/1904-01-22 Taxable Property and Livestock in LawCo - Arkansas Democrat pg 1.pngplain2020-06-04T14:45:03-07:0001/22/1904Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1894-04-20 Epic Article About Hoxies Curse of Chronic Robbers - AR Gazette pg 6_thumb.png2020-05-27T16:12:26-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61894-04-20 Arkansas Gazette pg 62A deputy U.S. Marshal explains how "there is one town in Arkansas that needs ...attention" when it comes to crime: Hoxie.media/1894-04-20 Epic Article About Hoxies Curse of Chronic Robbers - AR Gazette pg 6.pngplain2020-05-27T16:19:00-07:0004/20/1894Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-12-03 Arkansas Democrat pg 9 - Sensational Testimony in Hughes Case_thumb.png2020-07-08T05:21:36-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-12-03 Arkansas Democrat pg 92The first seven witnesses examined in the Hughes trial "swear to alleged facts which are damaging" to Hughes and Mrs. Lizzie Burell.media/1914-12-03 Arkansas Democrat pg 9 - Sensational Testimony in Hughes Case.pngplain2020-07-08T05:22:50-07:0012/03/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1877-08-11 African-American Porter Falls Between RR Cars and Platform, Dies - AR Gazette pg 2_thumb.jpg2020-05-13T14:08:19-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61877-08-11 Arkansas Gazette pg 22At the WR depot an African-American porter falls between the platform and moving train cars and is crushed to death.media/1877-08-11 African-American Porter Falls Between RR Cars and Platform, Dies - AR Gazette pg 2.jpgplain2020-05-13T14:11:02-07:0008/11/1877Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1889-07-17 Black Mason Speaks in Hoxie About Division of the Negro Vote - AR Democrat pg 5_thumb.png2020-05-17T16:00:22-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61889-07-17 Arkansas Democrat pg 52An African-American freemason from Newport is scheduled to go to Hoxie to give "an oration upon the division of the negro vote."media/1889-07-17 Black Mason Speaks in Hoxie About Division of the Negro Vote - AR Democrat pg 5.pngplain2020-05-17T16:04:05-07:0007/17/1889Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-07-22 Fairly Detailed Account of KKK Activity in Richwoods - Brooklyn NY pg 5_thumb.png2020-05-30T15:26:56-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-07-22 Brooklyn Standard Union NY pg 52A local group of the Ku Klux Klan commits atrocities in Randolph and Lawrence Counties, including the area of Richwoods north of Walnut Ridge.media/1897-07-22 Fairly Detailed Account of KKK Activity in Richwoods - Brooklyn NY pg 5.pngplain2020-05-30T15:45:19-07:0007/22/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1913-03-21 Details of Hoxie Tornado Damages in Front-Page Column - AR Democrat pg 1-min_thumb.png2020-06-12T08:48:48-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61913-03-21 Arkansas Democrat pg 12The Arkansas Democrat gives details of tornado/storm damages at Hoxie, Walnut Ridge, Minturn, and elsewhere.media/1913-03-21 Details of Hoxie Tornado Damages in Front-Page Column - AR Democrat pg 1-min.pngplain2020-06-12T09:02:23-07:0003/21/1913Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1914-12-11 Arkansas Gazette pg 2 - Dr Hughes and Mrs Burrell Give Bond_thumb.png2020-07-08T08:10:39-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61914-12-11 Arkansas Gazette pg 22Dr. Hughes and Mrs. Burell give bond, and Judge Jeffery warns that "it might be proper to hull and eat peanuts in church or an opera house, but that it was clearly out of place in a court room."media/1914-12-11 Arkansas Gazette pg 2 - Dr Hughes and Mrs Burrell Give Bond.pngplain2020-07-08T08:12:20-07:0012/11/1914Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1890-11-13 Man Robbed Just Before Trying to Buy Saloon - Poplar Bluff MO pg 1_thumb.png2020-05-17T20:24:20-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61890-11-13 Poplar Bluff Citizen MO pg 12A Missouri man is robbed in Walnut Ridge just before attempting to buy one of the town's saloons.media/1890-11-13 Man Robbed Just Before Trying to Buy Saloon - Poplar Bluff MO pg 1.pngplain2020-05-17T20:27:12-07:0011/13/1890Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1897-11-14 Man Threatens Wife at Black Dance and Is Killed - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 2_thumb.png2020-05-30T18:22:56-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61897-11-14 St Louis Globe-Democrat MO pg 22The Hoxie city marshal shoots a man who resists arrest, after the man threatens his wife with a pistol while at a dance.media/1897-11-14 Man Threatens Wife at Black Dance and Is Killed - St Louis Globe-Democrat pg 2.pngplain2020-05-30T18:36:46-07:0011/14/1897Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1905-01-24 Illness at Rhea Hotel - Arkansas Democrat pg 1_thumb.png2020-06-04T16:05:51-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61905-01-24 Arkansas Democrat pg 12Guests at the Rhea Hotel in Walnut Ridge are stricken with poisoning after their supper, but are aided in time by local physicians.media/1905-01-24 Illness at Rhea Hotel - Arkansas Democrat pg 1.pngplain2020-06-04T16:07:21-07:0001/24/1905Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/1917-03-26 RR Mans Arm Cut Off After Fight With Hobos - AR Gazette pg 2_thumb.png2020-06-13T13:38:15-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a61917-03-26 Arkansas Gazette pg 22A special agent for the Iron Mountain railroad has his arm amputated after a hobo shoots it and shatters the bone.media/1917-03-26 RR Mans Arm Cut Off After Fight With Hobos - AR Gazette pg 2.pngplain2020-06-13T13:41:42-07:0003/26/1917Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6
1media/State of AR Vs Red, NEARA Court Record (WRCC B89 F12)_thumb.jpg2020-07-08T14:58:23-07:00Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6Document, State of Arkansas v. Red, Lawrence County Circuit Court Indictment, March 19282Accuses a man named Red of selling liquor; document and image courtesy of the Northeast Arkansas Regional Archives, WRCC B89 F12.media/State of AR Vs Red, NEARA Court Record (WRCC B89 F12).jpgplain2020-07-08T15:00:05-07:0003/1928Edward Harthornfba9b3ada4485df137f2d7376f8d510d319522a6