The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Comparison of the 1992 Mac Edition & 2011 Polish Web Edition of afternoon


These video clips demonstrate the differences and similarities in the visual presentation between the 1992 edition of Michael Joyce's afternon. a story and its Polish edition from 2011. Although the Polish edition was rebuild in the enviromnent of modern browsers, it tried to retain the spirit of the original both on functional and visual level. From the opening screen readers of bot the original and the browser Edition can chose either to click on "yes" / "no" buttons and links or to navigate the default path by pressing down the enter/return key. Also, a link menu with path names and destinations has been reconstructed in the Polish version. The toolbar icons in the 2011 Edition are borrowed directly from the 1992 edition.

This page has paths: