The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations: The Multimedia Accompaniment to the Print Edition

Functionality of the 2022 Web Edition of "Caged Texts"

This philosophical hypertext essay, "Caged Texts," was originally intended for inclusion in Kolb’s larger hypertext, Socrates in the Labyrinth (Eastgate Systems, Inc., 1994) but never published. To reconstruct it, the Storyspace file was exported to Tinderbox and then to HTML by Bill Bly, author of the We Descend (Eastgate Systems, Inc., 1997), who then tested it in different versions of Storyspace (vv 2.51b1 thru 3.90) & Tinderbox (vv 4.7.1 thru 9.1.0b542) to get the proper result. He also checked to ensure that its linking structure––the default and text links––was successfully migrated. It also required Bly to tag the guard fields and loops for building the navigation. Using this code and text, the lab designed a contemporary interface for the work accessible across all computing devices. 

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