Star of the Sea: A Postcolonial/Postmodern Voyage into the Irish FamineMain MenuAbout This ProjectStar of the Sea OverviewJoseph O'ConnorIn this section, you will learn more about Joseph O'Connor and the other works he producedPostcolonial TheoryPostmodernismThe Gothic in Star of the SeaHistorical FiguresLanguage and Music in Irish CultureBiology of the FamineLandlords, Tenants, and EvictionsIn the following pages, you'll learn about landlords, tenants, and evictions during the Irish Potato FamineGovernment Policies and EmigrationMediaMemorialsContributorsBrief biographies of the people who made this book.
12016-02-15T13:42:14-08:00Ireland18One of the highlighted memorials is the Broken Heart Fountain (1997) in Limerick and a second is the National Famine Memorial and Coffin Ship (1997) in Murrisk.plain2016-03-04T13:16:25-08:0053.7791623,-9.651887752.3939, -8.3758Murrisk