Video Game Platforms That Define the Self
These different types of platforms are not strictly bounded to one age range but the different types of games offered for purchase essentially dictate whether the game is suitable for younger or older players. For instance a majority of the game ratings for the Nintendo Wii are rated “E” for everyone. Where as Xbox and PlayStation have more games that is rated for “T” for teenagers or older or “M” for mature. Although the games are recommended for everyone, the younger generation user are more likely to play the games that are suitable for their age. Wii games have more kid friendly video games. Along with that the Wii offers a more active version of gameplay in which the user has the option to either sit down or stand up to be more interactive with the game. Altogether, each platform offers a different purpose for the self and different variations in gameplay.
Turkle, Sherry. "Video Games and Computer Holding Power." The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (2011): n. pag. Print.