This page was created by Anonymous. The last update was by Kathleen Zoller.
Social Media Content for Deena Larsen's "Marble Springs 1.0"
The following are postings on social media sites that promoted the live Traversal of Marble Springs prior to, during, and after the event. Social media sites include the Electronic Literature Lab's Twitter and YouTube accounts.
YouTube Live Chat
Because Traversals are all streamed live via YouTube, the lab took advantage of the chat feature offered by the network to provide a forum for the audience to make comments and ask questions. The chat is then saved and added to this book as part of the Traversal archive. The Traversal can be watched on YouTube here.Electronic Literature Lab
Welcome, all.
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi folks!
Electronic Literature Lab
Welcome to the Live Traversal
Richard Snyder
Hi everyone!
Electronic Literature Lab
Good to see you!
Stuart Moulthrop
Hey all!
Electronic Literature Lab
Electronic Literature Lab
Good to see you!
Will Luers
Good morning.
Mariusz Pisarski
hello everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Holly June
Hello all!
Deena Larsen
Hi all! So wonderful to see you
Electronic Literature Lab
Yeh! Such lovely people joining us
Electronic Literature Lab
Deena Larsen
Alan! Hooray!
Hooray Deena!
Deena Larsen
We are 2 minutes from going live, quickly doing the dishes and the sweeping... nahh. just the final tech check
Stuart Moulthrop
I'm just totally digging the montage. (Gah, just heard my wife's unmistakable voice in the bg of one of the interviews.)
Deena Larsen
Serves pineapples and tea and scones for all.
Electronic Literature Lab
One minute before take off
Electronic Literature Lab
Holly made it, of course
Deena Larsen
Suart, without Nancy's work on the web version of Marble Springs, where would we be?
Stuart Moulthrop
This is the flight to Detroit. If you think you;re going to Cleveland, too bad.
Deena Larsen
Have I thanked Nancy Kaplan enough for that over the years??
Kathleen Zoller
Feel free to follow along on Twitter, too! #elitlab #elitpathfinders
Hi all — can't wait!
Stuart Moulthrop
Audio fine, Deena!
Richard Snyder
I didn't realize that HyperCard originally came free.
maria M
hello everybody!
Stuart Moulthrop
Yep, Apple didn't know what to do with HC. Never did, actually.
Richard Snyder
So how long was it before they charged for it?
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Maria!
Electronic Literature Lab
I don't remember HC costing anyrtibng
Stuart Moulthrop
2.0 was a commercial product, I think.
Electronic Literature Lab
There is sound in this work, btw. You will hear sounds in some places evoked
Electronic Literature Lab
This is one of the salient features of HC
Richard Snyder
The border is so beautiful. I love the marginalia aspect.
Richard Holeton
The card metaphor of Hypercard was very powerful.
Stuart Moulthrop
It's weird, but HyperCard now looks so at home in the 19th century.
I always felt lost without this structure (I was on PC) - more ab nihilo - the cards are tremendous -
maria M
Hello Dene !
Kathleen Zoller
The imagery is gorgeous
Stuart Moulthrop
Deena is doing a really lovely traversal.
Electronic Literature Lab
she is a natural
Electronic Literature Lab
Know that there is a 5 second lag
Electronic Literature Lab
sometimes shorter
Stuart Moulthrop
In case of swearing... nah.
Electronic Literature Lab
the transitions are representative of HC
Stuart Moulthrop
"Stoner connection" has several meanings in HyperCard.
Electronic Literature Lab
Unlike Storyspace, HC needs only a single click
Electronic Literature Lab
Quilt and weaving is a major motif in Deena's hypertext week. We see it again in Samplers and Century Cross
Stuart Moulthrop
And the quilting continues with Anastasia Salter.
And Maria Damon
Electronic Literature Lab
And Shelley Jackson
Richard Holeton
(and Patchwork Girl)
Electronic Literature Lab
Hey Rich!
Richard Holeton
[smiling face emoji]
Electronic Literature Lab
And Carolyn Guyer
Richard Snyder
"nested series of maps" -- I'm IN
Electronic Literature Lab
Stuart Moulthrop
Yeah, we're all quilters after all.
Electronic Literature Lab
The navigation is extremely complex
Electronic Literature Lab
This work contains about 600 links
Richard Holeton
Yes it would be great to see a schematic of the structure, wonder if Deena has such a thing other than in her mind.
Holly June
Let us tell you about the shower curtain!
Stuart Moulthrop
Mrs. Beaton, or a knockoff.
Electronic Literature Lab
MS does an excellent showing the racism inherent in the American West.
David SabrowskiI
love the rachel cole illustration. It looks like one of those lesser known accents you can find in an elegent font face
Holly June
The illustrations were made by Kathleen Turner-- they are lovely.
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Dave!
Electronic Literature Lab
Deena is famous for her line: Structure = Meaning
which is a bit like category theory
Stuart Moulthrop
I was remembering that line last week, looking at a student's first hypertext. It's very true.
Electronic Literature Lab
We are very glad she is showing the marble
Richard Snyder
Structure = meaning definitely on display here.
Richard Snyder
I love the feeling of exploration.
Electronic Literature Lab
Deena's email addresses in the 90s took names of MS for the username
Richard Holeton
I'm also a fan of "structure = meaning." Or architecture. Nabokov talked about the "architectonics" of the novel.
Electronic Literature Lab
this work is full of tragedy, focused on women's plight in a harsh terrain
Electronic Literature Lab
Deena uses stone a lot as a motif in her work
Stuart Moulthrop
Yeah, HyperTalk supported random values. Storyspace notably did not.
Electronic Literature Lab
There was a sound there--not sure if you heard it
Electronic Literature Lab
:nods at Stuart
I wonder if any of these people were real people?
Electronic Literature Lab
Rich: mapping this work would be a challenge
Stuart Moulthrop
And of course, HyperTalk at one point included a command that would turn off the Mac. Sigh.
Holly June
Doc Nancy was inspired by a real person, Doc Susie.
Stuart Moulthrop
"Any resemblance to persons living or dead..."
Richard Holeton
How many characters are in MS?
Electronic Literature Lab
Electronic Literature Lab
I have not yet counted but I need to for the book'
Holly June
Mariusz writes in his essay on Techsty: "And there is a lot to explore: stories of profiles of at least 56 women, 35 men, and 16 locations and institutions are included in Marble Springs."
Stuart Moulthrop
All these texts on the far side of the novel... Marble Springs... Patchwork Girl... Uncles Roger and Buddy... database, encyclopedia, archive.
Electronic Literature Lab
I called it a bat
Electronic Literature Lab
She teases me about this
Stuart Moulthrop
The owl is not what it seems.
Electronic Literature Lab
terrific writing
Kathleen Zoller
Richard I think Mariusz said 56 women and 35 men appear in Marble Springs (?)
I wonder if the relative slowness doesn't turn this apparently into a physical object, relfective of the town itself, instead of relating through "instanteous" links -
Stuart Moulthrop
This bit is so beautiful.
Stuart Moulthrop
And what Alan said.
Electronic Literature Lab
The speed gives it an elegiac experience
absolutely - and that's critical!
everything _unfolds_
Electronic Literature Lab
it looks like a bat
Holly June
Team Owl
Kathleen Zoller
60% owl, 40% bat
Wide Angle Studios
Owl ears and feathers
Electronic Literature Lab
bat grimace
Stuart Moulthrop
Owlbat. Bowl. Howl.
Richard Holeton
+1 Kathleen
Electronic Literature Lab
Stuart is my hero\
Terrific traversal, all.
Stuart Moulthrop
maria M
amazing! Thank you Deena.
Kathleen Zoller
Thank you so much, Deena, Mariusz, Dene, and everyone else involved! This is so wonderful
Holly June
Deena, can you talk about how long you were writing Marble Springs?
Electronic Literature Lab
I believe that it would take 400 hours to document this work
Stuart Moulthrop
That's some major link density. But factor in the randoms, foax.
Oreto Doménech i Masià
Thanks a lot to you, Deena, for all the wonderful literary work you have done!!
Stuart Moulthrop
Meaning, the randoms just blow the thing off the scale.
Electronic Literature Lab
I was trying to be careful not to hit the randoms but I did at the end by accident
Holly June
An authentic reading experience, then :)
Stuart Moulthrop
90% of life is innuendo.
Stuart Moulthrop
Makes me think about those Companions to Ulysses, Gravity;s Rainbow, House of Leaves. Only here the Companion kicks the Doctor out of the TARDIS. (Serious metaphor slippage there.)
Deena Larsen
Thanks Stuart Yes, it really is the Tardis, the hidden icebergs.
Stuart Moulthrop
Terry was a Hyper-hacker when I first knew him. Circa 1989.
Electronic Literature Lab
Washington State U Vancouver, not UW
Electronic Literature Lab
Terry's book Ex-foliations influenced my work with preversation
Electronic Literature Lab
According to one letter, Deena wrote that she wanted to get the work back from Mark after it was already published because she wanted to hold on to MS
Mariusz Pisarski
Please post your questions here... thanks so much!
Electronic Literature Lab
If you look at the lab
Electronic Literature Lab
lab's Twitter site, you can see images of Deena and the work posted there:
Stuart Moulthrop
Heard "hidden links" as "kitten links." What a concept.
Electronic Literature Lab
bat links
Stuart Moulthrop
Owl structure.
Electronic Literature Lab
very wisely developed
Electronic Literature Lab
Great question, Mariusz.
Mariusz Pisarski
Thanks! Now guys your turn!
Stuart Moulthrop
Reclaiming sobriety: yep, MS and Uncle Buddy are the soul of HyperCard.
Electronic Literature Lab
We discussed during rehearsal on Tuesday that Deena would recreate MS as a relational database. Mariusz and I disagreed with her and so I have to say that her shift to locative makes better sense
maria Mlocative
sounds good!
Electronic Literature Lab
Deena gave the ELO a copy of Spoon River, but it is not the original
Deena Larsen
in fact I think I bought a copy of Spoon River at the Portland bookstore Powells
I resist the idea that MS isn't friendly to readers: all you have to do is live in the town long enough to come to know it.
Stuart Moulthrop
Should probably mention If Monks Had Macs, on reflection.
Electronic Literature Lab
I agree with you, Beebly. Even in the early days I had no trouble with HC. In fact, I love the hypermedia aspect of it
Stuart Moulthrop
McDaid did the traversal in Pathfinders 1
Stuart Moulthrop
Now just have to rescue all the Flash on the web
it's been absolutely brilliant -
Stuart Moulthrop
Hey a kitten link!
Kathleen Zoller
It's neither an owl nor a bat. It's a cat!
Electronic Literature Lab
[smiling face emoji]
David Sabrowski
i would have been more excited if it was a bat, to be completely hones
is excitement the goal?
David Sabrowski
I think excitement should always be a little part of the goal
Deena Larsen
To explore in an excited mindframe is the goal
Stuart Moulthrop
We should really get this stuff on Twitch.
Richard Holeton
Thanks so much Deena. Wonderful. And Mariusz, terrific job, thank you.
Deena Larsen
Twitch would be good.
to excite and to live within might be two different things -
Stuart Moulthrop
Deena, we should talk.
it's not wrong or right -
Stuart Moulthrop
Also, what Alan said again.
Electronic Literature Lab
Yes, Stuart. We considered Twitch when we started Rebooting but shifted to YouTube because of the broadness of the audience.
Stuart Moulthrop
Wise move.
Electronic Literature Lab
But the lab could do an additional Twitch experience or switch to it
Electronic Literature Lab
We are on our 4th year of the Rebooting project
Electronic Literature Lab
Stuart, can you believe that we started Traversals in 2013?
Richard Holeton
Photoshop makes me cry too.
Stuart Moulthrop
Flash makes me cry but for a different reason.
This has been wonderful — thank you Mariusz, Dene, & DEENA!!
thank you all so greatly!
Stuart Moulthrop
Thanks Mariusz, Dene, all at ELL. This has been a triumph.
Mariusz Pisarski
Thank you all, you a wonderful audience!
Richard Holeton
Yes thanks again to all.
David Sabrowski
This was a great experience. Thank you all
Deena Larsen
2,106 works of e-lit. 25 collections. Six collection categories. Welcome to the Electronic Literature Repository!
Deena Larsen
ELO SEcond Tuesday Salon is looking for 2021 spots
Holly June
The interface design-- content design to come!
maria M
good work Mariusz! thanks everybody, it was great to see you Deena taking us through MS
Holly June
Thank you Mariusz, Dene, and Deena!
Electronic Literature Lab
Thank you everyone for joining us1
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- larsen-marble-social-media-twitter-ell-04
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