Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 4

Photos of Deena Larsen's "Marble Springs 1.0"

The photos of Deena Larsen's Marble Springs 1.0 found in this chapter are of copies Dene Grigar owns and holds in her library in the Electronic Literature Lab at Washington State University at Vancouver.


Marble Springs 1.0 Folio, Front

The folio for Marble Springs 1.0 is greyish pink in color, printed on in dark purple ink. “Deena” followed by “Larsen” underneath comprise the upper third of the folio, printed in a bold serif font aligned center. Thick horizontal lines are positioned above and below the text, which don’t quite span the entirety of the folio’s width. The center of the folio displays “Marble” followed by “Springs” below it, in the same font as the author’s name but larger. It too is center-aligned. A third horizontal line rests underneath the work’s title. “FIRST EDITION” in all caps lies below this line, aligned center. At the bottom third of the folio (with empty space on all sides) is “EASTGATE” followed by “SYSTEMS” underneath, with the logo of Eastgate Systems, Inc. to the left of this text.

Marble Springs 1.0 Folio, Back

The back of the folio for Marble Springs 1.0 is the same greyish pink color as the front and is printed on in the same purple color. “Marble” followed by “Springs” is displayed in the same font as the front, though it is smaller and aligned with the left side of the succeeding column of text. This column of text has extra padding on either side, and reads as follows (not wrapped in quotes):
“Stroll through the empty spaces of a ghost town tucked away in the Colorado mountains. In the shell of an old marble church, open a trunk and uncover the intertwined stories of women who built Marble Springs.
“A stunningly authentic new voice in hypertextual poetry. For Macintosh™ computers.”
Below this text is an image of one of the lexia within “Marble Springs” titled “The Accomplice”.

Marble Springs 1.0 Folio, Open

This photo displays the open folio for Marble Springs 1.0. The interior is cream in color, and the sleeves on either side are the same greyish pink as the front and back of the folio. The left sleeve contains the CD-ROM within its disk sleeve. The sleeve on the right contains the instructional booklet that comes with Marble Springs 1.0, which is designed identically to the front of the folio, except that the paper is white and the ink is black. The instructional booklet is made of paper stapled together.

Marble Springs 1.0 Folio, Front and Back

This photo displays the front and back of the folio for Marble Springs 1.0. The spine is visible, where text printed vertically reads “LARSEN” at the top, “MARBLE SPRINGS” in the center, and “EASTGATE” at the bottom, all in the same purple font as the text on the folio’s front.

Marble Springs 1.0 CD-ROM

The CD-ROM for Marble Springs 1.0 is maroon in color, with a series of white rings that progress from its center to the lower right side. Curving along one of the lower rings is small white text that reads “commodity-firmness-delight” in a sans-serif font; in an upper ring, “”. “Eastgate” is printed in white on the left side of the disc, barely above the center, in a serif font. Handwritten in black marker across the top reads “Marble Springs".

Marble Springs 1.0 CD-ROM and Sleeve

This photo displays the CD-ROM for Marble Springs 1.0 within the sleeve. The front of the sleeve has a circle cut out of it, shielded in transparent plastic so as to showcase the CD-ROM inside. Visible at the top of the sleeve is the sticker from the back folded over onto the front, maroon in color, with a white sans-serif font that reads “Copyright ©1993 by Deena Larsen. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized distribution or sale of this material is expressly prohibited."

Marble Springs 1.0 CD-ROM Sleeve, Back

The CD-ROM for Marble Springs 1.0 comes in a square white paper sleeve. The back is sealed with a white sticker printed in maroon ink. The upper half of the sticker is maroon in color, with “CIVILIZED SOFTWARE” printed in white at the halfway mark, center aligned, in all caps serif text. Underneath in significantly smaller letters reads “from Eastgate Systems, Inc.” in the same font and color. The bottom half of the sticker is white. Everything printed in this space is maroon in color. The left half of this area sports the logo for Eastgate Systems, Inc., which comprises a little over a third of the sticker’s horizontal space. It is a hand-drawn brick wall with a decorative arch in its center. To the right reads “Deena Larsen” in light italics, serif font. Displayed below is “Marble Springs” in the same thick serif font used on the cover of the folio. “Eastgate Systems, Inc.” is printed in the bottom left corner of the sticker, with an address underneath: “PO Box 1307, Cambridge MA 02238”. In the bottom right are two phone numbers stacked on top of each other. The first reads “(800) 562-1638”. The second, “(617) 924-9044”.


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