12018-10-12T15:16:04-07:00Andy Fischer Wright117b7538905c87f31736902b8a58d4a4a8a32cf9313433Reaching out to the mainstreamplain2018-10-18T05:37:44-07:0002/01/2018Andy Fischer Wright117b7538905c87f31736902b8a58d4a4a8a32cf9On this day, Logan Paul appeared on Good Morning America to explain himself in the mainstream. While this move may seem slightly unorthodox for a YouTuber, it is worth mentioning that GMA serves a purpose of not only validating Paul for a more traditional audience, but potentially also to parents of the children who are a good portion of his audience. Paul pushes a simple headline here: "I am a good guy who made a bad decision."
12018-10-12T15:15:33-07:00Good Morning America Interview1Logan Paul told ABC News' Michael Strahan how he has changed after posting a controversial video of an apparent suicide victim that led to a swift backlash.plain2018-10-12T15:15:33-07:00YouTube2018-02-01T15:51:28.000Z-yx0bTPVob0ABC News