Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria


This timeline compiles the available resources (in my possession or found through the Web) related to the impact and recovery process of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions in Puerto Rico. It is not exhaustive, but, hopefully it will provide enough documentation for future generations to understand part of the recovery events that took place immediately after Hurricane Maria. There are so many hands and hearts involved in almost a year of activities that I found imperative its dissemination.

Thanks to Dr. Joel Blanco-Rivera from the Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información (EGCTI) and his students, links were saved in the Internet Archives to ensure they are preserved for long-term access. Also, videos were preserved using Webrecorder.

Navigating the timeline
Each page represents a month arranged chronologically and where available, a link is provided. The images are screen views of content, it is suggested to visit the link for full content. Even though descriptions are in English, most of the content in links will be in Spanish.

In awe, I leave you a very humble tribute to resilience and solidarity

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