Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria

February 2018

More articles exposing the damages and recovery effort on the Island emerged and a special publication about the impact and losses in the creative and artistic sector, written by Dianne Brás Feliciano, Emilia Quiñones Otal and Mariel Quiñones Vélez was published by the collective TransForma Colectivo Curatorial. They also highlight a few art works and exhibits on Puerto Rico related to Hurricane Maria. Another great article comes from Sujei Lugo, a former school librarian in Puerto Rico, narrating the local efforts coming from libraries to aid communities and children in affected areas.

As agencies continue to provide funding opportunities, REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and Spanish Speakers and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) sponsored two workshops about grant writing. Also, the University of Illinois iSchool and the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs invited Miriam Centeno to talk about her experience in Puerto Rico and the Asociación de Bibliotecarios Escolares de Puerto Rico (ABESPRI) offered training related to disaster response for school librarians. A new FEMA deployment to assess damages for a month, this time in collaboration with the National Park Service Curators, was announced.

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