The Prague Spring Archive

Guide and Finding Aid

Texas ScholarWorks, formerly the University of Texas Digital Repository, holds digital works and provides related services that together constitute a campus institutional repository. The Repository was established to provide open, online access to the products of the University's research and scholarship, to preserve these works for future generations, to promote new models of scholarly communication, and to help deepen community understanding of the value of higher education. Digital works include research and scholarship, as well as works that reflect the intellectual and service environment of the campus.

All of the digitized images from the Prague Spring materials at the LBJ Presidential Library are housed in Texas ScholarWorks. This guide is intended help users unfamiliar with the repository to navigate the digitized Prague Spring files, and to provide a digital copy of the Library's finding aid for its physical collections related to the Prague Spring and East Europe.

This page has paths:

  1. The Prague Spring Archive ES Librarian at UT Austin

Contents of this path:

  1. Box and Folder Structure
  2. Individual Documents
  3. Searching
  4. Finding Aid