Edgar Allan Poe : Portrayal in the Media: an Annotated Bibliography of Edgar Alla Poe as a character

The Raven (2012)

John Cusack portrays Edgar Allan Poe in this 2012 movie.  The movie is set during the two weeks that Poe went missing prior to his death. In that time, according to this film, Poe was engaged to an Emily Hamilton (most likely a reference to Poe's real life love interest, Elmira). Then a series of murders occur played out in the manner of Poe's horrific stories. Poe works with the police to capture the killer and save Emily who has been kidnapped.

Cusack's portrayal Poe has more depth than most depictions. Here we see Poe's desperation born of his money problems, his excessive drinking habits, his pompous superiority to other writers.  We see Poe having a love interest after the death of his wife. We also see his detective skills as he works with the police.

Unfortunately, for me the actor is too familiar, and I spent the movie watching John Cusack play Poe instead of watching a man named Edgar Allan Poe.  I believe the movie was titled simply for recognition on his most famous work. Aside from there being ravens in the movie, they are not part of the plot. There's a few  liberties taken with the facts of what we know of Poe's last month, but the movie also gives viewers a few interpretations of the mysterious circumstances of the day Poe died..

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