Paradoxes & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations


My name is Janekka, and my position in life was polar to my fellow classmates. I was a non-traditional student, married with four children—two in college, one in junior high, and one in elementary school. Prior to this class, I considered myself an excellent pre-service teacher soaking up all the knowledge to prepare myself for the world of education. However, this class shattered my view of education, and a new philosophy was birthed, allowing me to see education in a different light. The critical dialogues coupled with the readings and writing assignments revealed to me my responsibility in educating future students. I learned how to provide a learning environment that encompasses critical thinking that is culturally appropriate and multi-faceted; rooted in respect. Being African American, I realize the importance of culture. Everyday I think, “How am I going to respect this human being?” I have to understand the culture of my students and was grateful I took the class before going to student teaching. This class was informative to my developing pedagogy and mindset.

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