Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Natalie Granito

This is a behind the scene picture of how I do most of my work these days: in bed, un-showered, fueled by DoorDash meals, and with fuzzy company. Trust me, my submitted work is much more polished than what it looks like in progress!! If there is one thing I have taken away from these quarantined times, it is that it's so important to be adaptable. Six months ago, I would never have looked like this while doing a major assignment. I would have been showered, had my morning coffee and protein bar, and be sitting in a quiet corner of the library. I used to have study rituals and was a lot more disciplined. This reminds me of a key theme about Fancher's text, which is that we cannot use old and rigid technologies to make sense of and present modern, feminist texts. They simply will not due. We must innovate and adapt as our circumstances change. This anthology project is pushing us to all adapt and challenge what is traditional and comfortable to us. We have been challenged to learn a new technology and to dig deep to uncover meaning in texts that extend way beyond what we have been taught to look for. Just as it is impossible to compare our methods of studying at home amidst a global pandemic with the methods we once performed on campus as carefree college students, it is impossible to critique a piece of feminist literature using rigid patriarchal scales.

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