Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Sarah Abbott

Out of all of the readings we have done thus far in the quarter, this piece from Fancher has definitely been one of my favorites. I really enjoyed how the piece felt more personal, and I definitely resonated with a lot of what she had to say. A quote that stood out to me in particular was "While useful, these design standards also disciplined me: offering me one particular set of values as the only values that could define good design. I felt dissonance between my design practice and my feminist practices as a writer, teacher, and scholar." I definitely agree with this sentiment; sometimes I feel that as students, we are taught a "right" or "wrong" way to do something, whether it be writing a paper, or a more designed based project. While those lessons are valuable, I have felt that it then makes it harder for me to truly embody my own work. I think this anthology project has strayed from that because it has allowed us to really focus in on areas that interest us individually, while also allowing us to present those findings in a new and more interactive way. 

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